

Soma Kusanagi/Strega
Japan’s government has enacted federal restrictions on superhero activity through special ID cards developed by tech conglomerate, Vector, for monitoring and tracking. Soma Kusanagi, a part-time superhero and full-time social miscreant, has become a tester for Vector’s latest model of super suit. With this technology, Soma can transform into the Variable Combat Soldier, Strega, the latest in villain-bludgeoning power! In the midst of his deviant escapades, a shadowy plot to turn the whole of society into monsters is taking shape! Unless his libido isn’t kept in check, Soma and new partner, Sayuri, must uncover and stop this mysterious plot before it’s too late!
Japan’s government has enacted federal restrictions on superhero activity through special ID cards developed by tech conglomerate, Vector, for monitoring and tracking. Soma Kusanagi, a part-time superhero and full-time social miscreant, has become a tester for Vector’s latest model of super suit. With this technology, Soma can transform into the Variable Combat Soldier, Strega, the latest in villain-bludgeoning power! In the midst of his deviant escapades, a shadowy plot to turn the whole of society into monsters is taking shape! Unless his libido isn’t kept in check, Soma and new partner, Sayuri, must uncover and stop this mysterious plot before it’s too late!
Tetsudon - Natural Born Fools For Foolish Adults
La quinta edición de Tetsudon, la recopilación de cortometrajes más descarada y salvaje de Japón, en la que participan los directores más conocidos del cine fantástico e independiente, mostrando más de 24 hilarantes y desconcertantes cortometrajes de unos tres minutos en promedio.
Cobra and Naomi are working under cover and infiltrating a secret organization. They get hyped up and have sex, and their genitals get stuck together. The two fight against enemies, remaining stuck together. Can they make it through?
Gun Caliber
VFX Artist
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
VFX Supervisor
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Action Director
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Gun Caliber
Soma Kusanagi/Gun Caliber
Evil in Tokyo is on the rise and heroes have become a common commodity just out for fame and glory. Washed out anti-hero Gun Caliber is summoned to save Tokyo from the forces of Evil.
Stray Bullet: A True Superhero Story
Documentary from 2010 on the everyday life of one of Japan's blue collar superheroes, the infamous Gun Caliber. An uncouth, lecherous and intoxicated persona non-grata who patrols the streets of Tokyo yet
Stray Bullet: A True Superhero Story
Gun Caliber
Documentary from 2010 on the everyday life of one of Japan's blue collar superheroes, the infamous Gun Caliber. An uncouth, lecherous and intoxicated persona non-grata who patrols the streets of Tokyo yet