Raymond Yu Wai-Man


In his directorial debut, Francis Ng Chun-Yu essays Smash Head, an emotionally bankrupt cop who began his downward spiral when he accidentally killed a hostage during a shootout.
King of Robbery
After robbing countless Hong Kong jewelery shops, Ye Kuan (Simon Yam) sets out on a murderous rampage killing everything in his path. Police informants, criminals and members of the public - nobody is safe from the Hong Kong Thug.
Band member
A group of teenagers who are full of food and all day, moving to Canada with their parents, can not integrate into society regardless of their academic and living habits. Immigration is not their choice! They have become self-defeating, and they have been tempted to make troubles all the time. They tried to challenge the whole environment and system and vent their inner dissatisfaction. There are countless girls around Chris, but he has to follow every month..
My Cousin, the Ghost
Assistant Production Manager
Cousin Big (Richard Ng) returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma (Wu Ma) from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts (Wong Man-Si)...
El tren de los millonarios
Assistant Production Manager
Un tren muy especial acaba de salir de Shangai. Sus pasajeros son ricos comerciantes que viajan con sus esposas, realmente, unos blancos muy jugosos para cualquier ladrón. Pero el robo no llega a producirse, sino que se produce una situación totalmente distinta. ¡Parada obligatoria! Un extraño pasajero sabotea el tren y todos deben bajarse… en su pueblo natal. Allí tendrán que gastar grandes cantidades de dinero para poder salir con bien de ésta. Como la situación apremia, se forman los inevitables grupos, y se ven envueltos en robos de bancos, pugnas entre samurais y peleas territoriales entre bandas callejeras.
El regreso de los supercamorristas
Assistant Production Manager
Vuelven los supercamorristas o, lo que es lo mismo, «La banda del orfanato», que está formada por Fastbuck, Músculos, Sandy, Blockhead y Herb, acompañados de la bellísima Bárbara y Ricky. El grupo se está tomando un merecido descanso en Tailandia después de la misión anterior. Allí se meten en numerosos y cómicos líos intentando ligar con las nativas del lugar hasta que se tropiezan con un grupo de travestís que intentan matarlos, con lo cual surge su nueva misión que los devuelve a la ciudad de Hong Kong para intentar detener a un señor del crimen local.