Assistant Editor
In May 1943, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the new head of the Reich Central Security Office, gave Hitler a report describing in detail the organization of the French Resistance. Indeed, during the Second World War, most of the Resistance networks had been infiltrated by traitors, the "V Man" (trusted men) in the service of the occupier. The Germans had established treason as a system and recruiting Frenchmen ready to inform on them was one of their priorities. It was these Frenchmen, whose number is estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000, who dealt terrible blows to the Resistance.
Assistant Editor
Paris, 1940. German occupation forces create a new film production company, Continental, and put Alfred Greven – producer, cinephile, and opportunistic businessman – in charge. During the occupation, under Joseph Goebbels’s orders, Greven hires the best artists and technicians of French cinema to produce successful, highly entertaining films, which are also strategically devoid of propaganda. Simultaneously, he takes advantage of the confiscation of Jewish property to purchase film theaters, studios and laboratories, in order to control the whole production line. His goal: to create a European Hollywood. Among the thirty feature films thus produced under the auspices of Continental, several are, to this day, considered classics of French cinema.
Assistant Editor
¿Quién no recuerda las míticas cintas de Jane Fonda haciendo aeróbic en los 80? Las nuevas generaciones no conocerán la existencia de los videoclubs, pero la estética VHS pervive a día de hoy. Esta es la historia del VHS. La aparición de las cintas VHS, videograbadoras y videocámaras revolucionó la forma de ver y producir cine en los años 80. Fueron los cinéfilos aficionados los primeros en intercambiar y distribuir películas grabadas. Toda una generación se volcó en vivir el amor por el cine en sus casas, cómo y cuándo quisieran. Las videograbadoras dejaron de producirse en 2016, pero numerosos videoclips, videojuegos y películas siguen emulando a día de hoy la pasión por la estética VHS. Este homenaje cuenta la historia de la mítica cinta que marcó tantas infancias, con toda clase de contenidos y rarezas.
Assistant Editor
"They fight: Our breasts, our weapons" - Born in Ukraine in 2008 in the wake of the "Orange Revolution", the feminist movement Femen fights for democracy, freedom of the press, women's rights, and against corruption, prostitution, sexism, racism, poverty and religions. Her activists quickly caught the attention of the media by shocking actions carried bare toes, the body covered with slogans. In 2012, at the creation of Femen France, Caroline Fourest followed their actions. They notably affirmed their support for "Marriage for All" by protesting on November 18, 2012, during the demonstration organized by the Civitas Institute against the bill, provoking sharp clashes.
An episode from "Infrarouge XXL".