Adrian Bate


The Trick
The Trick cuenta la historia del profesor Philip Jones de renombre mundial; Director de Investigación Climática de la Universidad de East Anglia, quien en 2009 se encontró en el ojo de una tormenta mediática internacional y víctima del ciberterrorismo. Con el tiempo corriendo contra un enemigo invisible, The Trick analiza las consecuencias potencialmente devastadoras para la humanidad de la negación del cambio climático; cómo una tormenta mediática socavó la confianza del público en la ciencia y cómo el concepto de "verdad" pasó a un segundo plano, lo que nos hizo perder una década de acción.
Belleza eterna
Cuando Jane es abandonada en el altar sufre una crisis y se sumerge en un mundo caótico, donde el amor –tanto real como imaginario– y las relaciones familiares chocan con consecuencias conmovedoras y humorísticas.
To Provide All People
To mark the 70th anniversary of the birth of the NHS, acclaimed poet Owen Sheers takes us on a journey that weaves the extraordinary story of the birthing of Nye Bevan's vision of free healthcare for all people with personal stories of the NHS in British society today.
Cider with Rosie
Made by Carlton Television for ITV (UK) , this adaptation of Laurie Lee's autobiographical novel follows a young man's maturation in the country town of Gloucestershire near the end of World War I. As young Laurie (Dashiell Reece) comes of age under the protective eye of his mother (Juliet Stevenson), he learns to live with an eccentric collection of friends, neighbours, and relatives. As he enters his teenage years, Laurie (now played by Joe Roberts) discovers women, specifically Rosie Burdock (Lia Barrow). Veteran screenwriter John Mortimer adapted Lee's book, with Lee narrating.
A Fair and Easy Passage
Hetty is elderly, wealthy, bright and dying of cancer. Her ex-husband refuses to accept her illness while her daughter can't give her support. Then 'Crazy Jane' breezes into her life to help her face death with some dignity.