Santiago Meneghello

Santiago Meneghello


Santiago Meneghello
Santiago Meneghello


Aves migratorias
Diego está organizando una fiesta de despedida en su casa antes de partir en un viaje que nadie conoce.
El Taller
In the midst of a convulsed country, a group of people attend a poetry workshop that can last only one night,taught by the renowned academic David Sanhueza.
Bernardo Letelier
Un triángulo amoroso entre una escritora pionera; su marido -militar retirado- y el amor de su vida, el pintor Moritz Rugendas, con quien mantiene una relación epistolar desde hace 10 años, con escasos encuentros personales.
I Am From Chile
Salvador moves to London from Chile to study English and travel around Europe at his parents’ expense. He stays with his aunt María, who makes a rather decent living renting the rooms of her house to other immigrants. Difficult and challenging situations will force Salvador out of his protected bourgeois reality and into the real world.