Stefan Lukacs


Brigada antidisturbios
El joven y ansioso recluta de la policía, Chris, dispara contra un enfermo mental que estaba de servicio. Se le celebra como un héroe, pero poco después, los síntomas traumáticos comienzan a aflorar. En un intento desesperado por no ser expuesto por su duro superior Konstantin, recurre a la violencia excesiva para ocultar su trauma y cumplir su sueño de convertirse en un policía de élite.
Young police officer Christopher has recently become a member of an Austrian special unit, known as WEGA. One of his first assignments is to accompany the deportation of Kofi, a young man from Gambia, who is due to be returned to his home country.
Young police officer Christopher has recently become a member of an Austrian special unit, known as WEGA. One of his first assignments is to accompany the deportation of Kofi, a young man from Gambia, who is due to be returned to his home country.
Young police officer Christopher has recently become a member of an Austrian special unit, known as WEGA. One of his first assignments is to accompany the deportation of Kofi, a young man from Gambia, who is due to be returned to his home country.
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