Sōjirō Motoki

Sōjirō Motoki

Nacimiento : 1914-06-19, Minato, Tokyo, Japan

Muerte : 1977-05-21


Producer, director, and writer.


Sōjirō Motoki


Get Your Kicks from Sex
Pinku from 1973.
Okusama wa 18 sai: shinkon kyoshitsu
Laughter is brought about by a teacher-husband and student-wife couple.
The Sands of Kurobe
Kitagawa is an engineer charged with construction of a gigantic tunnel through the Japan Alps for the transportation of equipment in the building of the massive Kurobe Dam. The tunnel crosses an earthquake fault and Kitagawa is beleaguered not only by cave-ins and flooding, but by strife between management and the workers's union. Adding to Kitagawa's stress is the knowledge that as his attention is pulled inexorably toward the tunnel construction, his youngest daughter is dying from leukemia.
Executive Producer
A Geisha makes money by revealing scandalous details of prominent people's private lives.
Woman's Harem
Pinku from 1966.
Chain of Flesh
Pinku from 1966.
Chain of Flesh
Executive Producer
Pinku from 1966.
花と蛇より 骨まで縛れ
Pinku from 1966.
Aiyoku no jû san kaidan
Executive Producer
Pinku from 1965.
Aiyoku no jû san kaidan
Pinku from 1965.
Horny Exec
Pinku from 1965.
Irogonomi Sandogasa
Pinku from 1965.
Three Seventeen Year Olds
Early pinku.
Original Story
Japanese comedy film.
Los bajos fondos ( Donzoko )
En un barrio miserable e insalubre del Tokio feudal, hay un albergue, regentado por Robukei y su mujer, en el que se puede encontrar alojamiento por poco dinero. Allí conviven gentes de todos los estratos sociales, que ahora pertenecen al bajo proletariado: un antiguo policía, un viejo artesano, un actor fracasado, un ladrón, una prostituta: todos ellos conforman el paisaje cotidiano de la miseria.
Trono de sangre
Japón feudal, siglo XVI. Adaptación del "Macbeth" de William Shakespeare. Cuando los generales Taketori Washizu y Yoshaki Miki regresan de una victoriosa batalla, se encuentran en el camino con una extraña anciana, que profetiza que Washizu llegará a ser el señor del Castillo del Norte. A partir de ese momento, su esposa lo instigará hasta convencerlo de que debe cumplir su destino.
The Underworld
Executive Producer
Yakuza boss Furuya leans more and more on his protege Takao Shoji, though Shoji has become romantically involved with Furuya's mistress, Natsue. Furuya himself has fallen in love, with a nurse after his recent hospital stay. As the gang grows more jealous of the favoritism Furuya shows Shoji, they decide to reveal Shoji's relationship with Natsue. But Furuya's affection for Shoji cannot be easily destroyed, even in the gang war that erupts.
Crónica de un ser vivo
Poco después de terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) Kiiji Nakajima, un anciano atemorizado por las consecuencias del bombardeo de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, vive obsesionado con la idea de construir un refugio antiatómico. Sin embargo, cuando algún tiempo después se plantea emigrar con su familia a Brasil para evitar la amenaza nuclear, su decisión tropieza con la incomprensión de todos los que lo rodean.
A Man Among Men
Gangsters Ken and Maki are rivals in the ticket-scalping game. They make an uneasy truce, but Ken wrecks the truce by agreeing to fix a boxing match in which Maki has an interest in one of the fighters. After a terrible brawl, the two gangsters discover that they have both been played for suckers by their bosses. They join forces to turn the tables on the bosses.
The Black Fury
A narcotics investigator for the harbor police, Eiichi Tsuda, is driven by thoughts of vengeance for the overdose death of his brother and the subsequent decline and death of their mother. Tsuda acts viciously and with disdain for legal niceties in his exploration of the criminal facts behind the explosion of a freighter in the harbor. He goes undercover with a band of drug smugglers, but his methods threaten to destroy him as well as his case.
Jirocho in Disgrace
Executive Producer
Last of the Wild Ones
Executive Producer
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Los siete samuráis
Una banda de forajidos atemorizan a los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo, saqueándolos periódicamente sin piedad. Para repeler estos ataques, los aldeanos deciden contratar a mercenarios. Finalmente, consiguen los servicios de 7 guerreros, 7 samurais dispuestos a defenderlos a cambio, tan solo, de cobijo y comida.
Jirocho's New Year
Executive Producer
Jirocho, the Hunted
Executive Producer
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Jirocho Strikes a Daring Blow
Executive Producer
Jirocho and his followers chase the Kurokomas into the Kai Province.
Eagle of the Pacific
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant tactician, is a loyal subject of the emperor, despite his grave misgivings about leading Japan's navy into war with the United States. He opposes the attack on Pearl Harbor, but, overruled, he leads his forces to the best of his ability.
Jirocho's Home-Coming
Executive Producer
Her Captive Gamblers
Executive Producer
Jirocho Begins His Roving Life
Executive Producer
Jirocho the gambler hits the road.
Jirocho Rises in Fame
Executive Producer
The rise of the famed gambler.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Kanji Watanabe es un viejo funcionario público que arrastra una vida monótona y gris; sin embargo, no es consciente del vacío de su existencia hasta que le diagnostican un cáncer incurable. Con la certeza de que el fin de sus días se acerca, surge en él la necesidad de buscarle un sentido a la vida. Y cuando lo consigue se produce un cambio radical en su actitud respecto a los demás.
Kanji Watanabe es un viejo funcionario público que arrastra una vida monótona y gris; sin embargo, no es consciente del vacío de su existencia hasta que le diagnostican un cáncer incurable. Con la certeza de que el fin de sus días se acerca, surge en él la necesidad de buscarle un sentido a la vida. Y cuando lo consigue se produce un cambio radical en su actitud respecto a los demás.
Vendetta for a Samurai
The famous showdown at Kagiya corner has been told many times, but never before with the realism and intensity of this version scripted by Kurosawa Akira and starring Mifune Toshiro as the famed swordsman who must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member. Told mostly in flashback as the avengers await the arrival of their quarry, this film displays true heroism in the face of fear as most of the combatants, while of the samurai class are not skilled swordsmen. They contrast sharply with the true warriors involved in this battle. Araki Mataemon (Mifune), who was not only a direct student of Yagyu Munenori, but the founder of his own sword style under the Yagyu name is a powerful force ready to assist his brother-in-law against the murderer's allies that include not only another noted sword teacher, but the deadly spear of Katsumi no Hanbei.
Who Knows a Woman's Heart
Ikeuchi was captain of the K - University ice hockey team. The daughter Shikotsuko of Ginza 's western restaurant "Piccolo" was also a female student at K University and was a figure player. They had a dream of being dispatched to Oslo in the Olympic Games and were struggling in each way. Mizuno who runs a sports equipment store in Ginza, showed the geisha by guiding the junior's Ikeuchi and others to the shop of Shimbashi one day.
The Blue Pearl
Though recognized worldwide almost exclusively for his colorful kaiju fare, director Ishirō Honda (Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra) was a natural humanist with a particular understanding of the relationship between people and their social environs. His debut fiction feature, The Blue Pearl (Aoi Shinju) – virtually unseen in the west until now – depicts the melodramatic, but keenly-observed interplay between a young man from Tokyo and two ama (pearl divers; literally “women of the sea”) in a superstitious coastal town. Though raised within the same tradition-bound crucible, the two women – Noe and Riu – are portrayed as diametric opposites; the former meek but affectionate, the latter strong-willed but jaded by a tryst with metropolitan life. Nonetheless, Honda provides equal weight to their desires and their ambitions to break free from the social mold imposed upon them from birth.
Wataru Naohiko who has the prosecutor general as his father became a young composer and its symphony "saint" invoked the world echoed. But his disciple Uchiyama and his best friend prosecutor Daisuke Toki accused his music as a sesame of pause-only technique, not a truly heart-hungry art.
Miyako, una famosa cantante de ópera, es fotografiada junto al pintor Aoe, en un balneario de Izu. La foto es publicada algunas semanas después en el periódico sensacionalista Amor, con un texto totalmente falso. El pintor decide demandar a la publicación y contrata a un ambicioso abogado.
Devil's Gold
1950 Toho film directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
El perro rabioso
Ambientada en la postguerra japonesa tras la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Con la estructura del thriller americano y los convencionalismos japoneses, narra la historia de un joven detective al que roban su pistola. Agobiado por un sentimiento de deshonor más que de pérdida, emprende, con un veterano compañero, una frenética e incansable búsqueda que lo lleva a los bajos fondos de Tokyo.
Duelo silencioso
Kyoji Fujisaki (Mifune), un joven cirujano militar, contrae la sífilis mientras cura a un herido durante la guerra. Acabada la contienda, la enfermedad será motivo de discusión entre el médico y su prometida. Finalmente, él no tendrá más remedio que enfrentarse a un grave dilema: aceptar, en su estado, las responsabilidades de la vida familiar o dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a la medicina.
El ángel borracho (El ángel ebrio)
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Crónica sobre la relación entre un gángster de la mafia japonesa ("yakuza"), enfermo de tuberculosis y el médico alcohólico que lo atiende.
Spring Awakens
Slice of life film centered around a couple of years in the life of a rural high school girl.
These Foolish Times
Un domingo maravilloso
En tiempos de postguerra, dos enamorados pasan juntos un domingo, esperando que sea un día inolvidable. Están llenos de sueños e ilusiones e intentan ser felices. Pese a sus problemas y contratiempos, pese a las preocupaciones derivadas de los bombardeos atómicos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, su amor les permite concebir ilusiones sobre un futuro mejor.
Once More
Executive Producer
A romance with political overtones about the relationship of a sheltered bourgeois woman and a doctor who devotes himself to caring for the poor. Over a ten-year period - from 1936 through the war - they find each other and are separated again by the events of those tumultuous days.
After learning that he has accidentally killed a man in a fight, Unokichi must look after the man's pregnant widow.
Los que construyen el porvenir
Executive Producer
Dos hermanas, una bailarina y la otra supervisora de guiones de un gran estudio de cine, se ven envueltas en una huelga de trabajadores del ferrocarril.
Miss Hanako
Assistant Director
Hanakosan (1943, TOHO, MAKINO Masahiro), a thoroughly light and joyful musical comedy, influenced by Busby Berkeley films, against the national policy under the wartime, was made into a film from comic serials by SUGIURA Yukio published in a magazine.
A Man's Flower Road of Triumph
Production Coordinator
Enoken's The Millionaire, Part 1
Third Assistant Director
Enoken plays a cloistered rich kid whose father hires a disreputable tutor to teach him how to really be a millionaire: by drunken debauchery, women, and song.