Dominique Delguste


Nómadas del viento
First Assistant Camera
Ambicioso documental sobre la migración de las aves, un viaje que recorre más de 40 países. 4 años de trabajo y más de 140 personas contribuyeron a la creación de un singular estudio, no sólo de las diferentes aves migratorias y sus patrones migratorios, sino del ecléctico, espectacular y sorprendente planeta en el que vivimos. Estuvo nominado al Oscar al mejor documental.
Sept en attente
Assistant Camera
An all night party in a building on the outskirts of Paris provides the setting of this provocative French meditation on life and waiting. As the title states, the film centers on seven main characters at the party. Each of them is privately waiting for something and all of them engage in conversations about the fundamental concerns of life, including love, sex, truth and responsibility. Among the seven are a pregnant woman waiting for her baby, a playboy, a gay man, and a young woman with poor taste in men. To make the film, director Francoise Etchegaray gave the actors a sense of who they were supposed to be and what they should do, placed them in a room, and let them improvise their dialog.
Los visitantes no nacieron ayer
Unos peculiares personajes de la Edad Media son trasladados a la postrimerías del siglo XX por arte de magia, y aquí se las ven y se las desean para conseguir volver a su tiempo original, sorprendidos de un mundo completamente desconocido para ellos y sorprendiendo con sus particulares hábitos y costumbres medievales.
Chasse gardée
Camera Operator
Flanked by their two children, Simon and Adélaïde decide, like many Parisians today, to leave their two-room apartment for a quieter and more comfortable life in the country. They are seduced by a house in the middle of nature: space, a vegetable garden, a wood adjoining their garden and above all villagers who welcome them with open arms. A dream come true! But the young couple was soon to be disillusioned: the wood was actually a hunting ground for big game! Although the hunters are friendly, they are not willing to give up their territory, making Simon and Adélaïde's dream of the countryside a living hell. But true to their reputation, our Parisians are not going to let them do it.