Church Choir Member
Mia (Anne Hathaway) ya está preparada para ser princesa de Genovia. Sin embargo, nada más instalarse en el Palacio Real con su bella y sabia abuela, la Reina Clarisse (Julie Andrews), se entera de que tendrá que prepararse inmediatamente para ser reina. Pero, entonces, tendrá que afrontar un peliagudo problema: en Genovia hay una ley que establece que las princesas tienen que casarse antes de ser coronadas; así que Mia tendrá que soportar un desfile de pretendientes cuya única aspiración es ocupar el trono.
Dramatised film of an incident in the life of Rob Roy MacGregor, set in the Trossachs. Entered in the Scottish Amateur Film Festival 1933. Roy Roy has been outlawed and is in hiding in the Trossachs. His band is suprised by a party of redcoats. Rob Roy escapes and the outlaws get away taking a red coat officer prisoner. The redcoat is freed by one of the clanswomen who is his lover. The outlaws discover her treachery and plan to drown her but Rob Roy arrives and saves her from her fate.