Aleksei Inzhevatov


86400 секунд работы дежурной части милиции
Based on real events in 1974 in Riga: the robbery of collectors and the murder of the driver. The personnel of the Gorky, Odessa regional executive committees and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Latvian SSR took part in the film.
Северный вариант
Deadly Enemy
Based on the Don stories by Mikhail Sholokhov. Soviet power was only established on the Don, and a conflict broke out in the first commune: the wife of the commune’s leader Arseniy Klyukvin, having believed the promises of the white officer, fell in love and went to live with him with the child. She doesn't want to hide her feelings, but unable to withstand the bestial attitude of a white officer, she returns back to the Bolshevik.
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