A continuation of a story started in the drama "With Clean Hands" (1972).
Here the author makes a movie after his own novel. Following 3 murders, the investigations will have some unexpected turns.
Narra la lucha de los dacios, los primeros rumanos, contra las legiones romanas. El emperador Domiziano y el comandante de las legiones romanas en la Dacia, Furio, quieren el sometimiento total del país, mientras el senador Ezio prefiere la alianza. El asesinato de Ezio por un soldado de Decébalo, rey de los dacios, sirve de justificación para que Roma decida una represión armada.
Vying for Principality of Moldavia's throne the descendants of Prince Stephen the Great start a bloody civil war in 1612.
Country Life in the Stalinization (1951) in the middle of winter înaintede New Year, mother-in-law Maria and her daughter Saveta (Graziela Albini) awaits son or husband (George) went to the front. Unfortunately he think of his mother only begins to see visions of the past and falls in bed.