Alfonso Herrera Salcedo


Director of Photography
Overwhelmed by his pending divorce from and the declining health of his father, Peter plans a getaway to Tulum, insistent he knows nothing of his sons plans to be there at the same time for a bachelor party.
A Perfect Day for Caribou
Director of Photography
An estranged father and son spend the day ambling around a cemetery, wandering the wilderness, searching for family, and stumbling through disharmony and heartache.
A Love Song
Director of Photography
Dos novios de la infancia, ahora ambos viudos, comparten una noche junto a un lago en las montañas.
El hoyo en la cerca
Director of Photography
Como cada año, el colegio Los Pinos, un prestigioso colegio de tipo confesional, envía a sus alumnos de retiro al campo. Bajo la atenta mirada de maestros y sacerdotes, los niños son conducidos por el camino de su desarrollo físico y moral. A través de la mirada de varios adolescentes de clase media y alta, la película muestra cómo su crianza incide en el futuro de la sociedad.
Chuj Boys of Summer
Director of Photography
Speaking only his native language, a Guatemalan teenager begins his new life in rural Colorado.
The Trees
Director of Photography
A researcher in plant sciences returns home to his village in rural Lebanon to attend his father's funeral. During the three-day-long Christian Greek Orthdox memorial he discovers that a pathogen is infecting the trees across his village. A dark comedy about tradition, grief, and the environment.
A Stormy Night
Director of Photography
Cuando una tormenta acecha la ciudad de Nueva York, a Marcos le cancelan su vuelo de escala. Es así como termina pasando la noche en casa de Alan, un amigo de una amiga con quien tiene muy poco en común. A lo largo de la noche, una serie de malentendidos obligan a los chicos a cuestionar sus respectivas definiciones del amor, las relaciones de pareja y la felicidad. Ambos ocultan secretos que podrían poner en duda sus principios. Atrapados bajo un mismo techo, es difícil que no salgan a la luz. Pero el mayor reto, sin que ellos lo sepan, será tener que despedirse a la mañana siguiente.
Director of Photography
En un día familiar de playa, un hombre casado de edad mediana es apantallado por la belleza de una adolescente. Surge un coqueteo que lo llevará a cuestionar la vida que lleva.
Entre tú y Milagros
Director of Photography
At fifteen, Milagros' world still revolves around her mother's affection. This summer an unexpected encounter with death will make her question their relationship, her privilege and her own existence.
Director of Photography
A young, divorced rancher gets a day with his daughter.
Miss America
Director of Photography
After losing everything, Candice, a grifter living on the margins of her city, decides what is hers to keep.
La oscuridad
Director of Photography
Marina, una exmaestra de primaria, aparece en la orilla de un lago gravemente herida. Después de un largo recorrido a través del ardiente sol, llega a la escuela primaria donde una vez trabajó.
Director of Photography
At a discreet host bar in Los Angeles, Kyeong uses his talent and charm to create the illusion of love for the women who hire him. When a new client pays him for a “2nd round,” Kyeong discovers too late that behind her kindly demeanor lies a disturbing request.
Director of Photography
Rosalie's door closes roughly. Her boyfriend Jimmy, a street musician, has just decided to break up with her. For an hour and a half, Rosalie will go through all kind of moods and sink into a destructive madness, while recalling the memorable moments of her story. The film is a deconstruction of the romantic comedy genre and its way of portraying love.
Director of Photography
After mutilating his face in a machine accident, Ismael, a lonely factory worker, struggles with his identity, his dreams, and his memories.
Now You Know
Director of Photography
An uninhibited 10 year old girl discovers harsh new boundaries at her strict Catholic school.
Director of Photography
Two brothers are going through financial difficulties to pay for their mother's medical treatment. One of them also has a significant debt that endangers his life.
Director of Photography
Mum breaks up with Dad while on vacation in Florida and flies back to Montreal. The kids, Jonathan and Florie, two immature and impressionable twentysomethings, only have a few hours to figure out how they'll welcome her back.
Espero que estés bien
Director of Photography
Un inmigrante japonés se reencuentra con su madre en la Ciudad de México. Sin embargo, las exigencias familiares no parecen ayudarles en su relación casi inexistente.
Sangre Alba
Director of Photography
Andrea is devastated after learning her sister has leukemia, but a closer look will reveal that there is something hidden in her psyche.
Un après-midi avec Paolo
Director of Photography
Ben comes to volunteer for the first time at Paolo's retirement home, but something strange is going on there.
Wild Child
Indian Summer. Canned food, cigarettes, a canoe and the river carrying Max and Ariane away. Escaped from the city, they really know nothing about each other, but share a project. It may be a good time to embark on something new.
Wild Child
Indian Summer. Canned food, cigarettes, a canoe and the river carrying Max and Ariane away. Escaped from the city, they really know nothing about each other, but share a project. It may be a good time to embark on something new.