Tom Katsis


Atom Nine Adventures
News Anchor
In a remote forest, Astrophysicist Dr. Adam Gaines and his homemade robotic assistant Jimbot recover a 3.5 billion year old meteorite containing an alien organism that may hold the secrets to the universe. What they don't realize is that a mysterious terrorist named Gremlo Flugg and his band of "Fluggmen" also seek the ancient contents of the meteorite so they can carry out their sinister plans to take over planet Earth.
Los tomates asesinos se comen Francia
Prison Official
Michael se enamora de una campesina francesa y cuando visitan París presencian el rapto de tomate peludo, un tomate bueno y se deciden a rescatarlo. Mientras, el profesor Mortimer Gangrena tiene el plan de realizar la profecía de Nostradamus por la que volverá el rey de Francia, que casualmente se parece a su lacayo, Igor.