The film tells the story of Wuyou, the new Saintess of the Peach Blossom, who is ordered to guard the map, but accidentally befriends Fan Yihang, an army officer who comes to rob the map, and the two of them embark on a torrid love affair that spans three realms: the past and the present.
The sequel to the movie "Legend of Snake" tells the story of the encounter between Liu Longting, a thousand-year-old snake fairy in Changbai Mountain, and Bai Jingyao, a descendant of Nuwa.
The demon king, which was sealed by the three major sects (Xianhemen, Jinmian, Qinglian), reinstated the gods and forced the demons to absorb the essence of the common people. When the pure body descended to the mortal world, the robbed baby boy Bai Yulang He was rescued by the Xianhe faction. He grew up in adulthood 18 years later. He finally defeated the demon king through the rebirth and finally killed the demon king with the help of his beloved person (Xie Wenxuan). Since then, in the legends of later generations, Bai Yulang walked the rivers and lakes, descending the demon.
Cuando el caso del hijo desaparecido de un mafioso de Chinatown se convierte en una investigación de asesinato, el dúo de detectives formado por Tang y Qin intentará dar caza al asesino, esta vez con ayuda internacional.
Wong Jing dirige esta comedia de artes marciales de vieja escuela, con reparto multitudinario formado por Ronald Cheng, Eric Tsang, Sandra Ng, Wong Cho-Lam, Yuen Wah, o Sammo Hung, que juega en su nombre con el clásico “Blancanieves y los siete enanitos”, pero cuyo argumento recuerda más al de “Los siete samurais”, ya que siete maestros de kung-fu retirados a un pequeño pueblo impedirán el avance de los invasores japoneses, así como de una facción traidora.