Narpati Awangga


Mendung Tanpo Udan
Mas Tommy
Udan, a young man who puts his life goals at a crossroads, between pursuing his idealism as a musician or living life realistically by working like other people in general
Ruang Rupa Radio of Rock Tour Serial 2
Executive Producer
The story of Efek Rumah Kaca, White Shoes & Couple Company, Goodnight Electric, Sangkakala, and other bands to meet their fans and recognizing the music scene in each cities by taking a tour entitled “Radio of Rock Tour Serial 2” from the city of Purwokerto, Malang, Surabaya to Denpasar.
Rocket Rain
A video artist working on his latest project, is unexpectedly visited by his long lost friend, Jansen. Jansen is having a troubled relationship with his wife. He escapes the city and meet him who has gone through a similar problem. During their awkward reunion, they became aware of how far apart they have grown, and at the same time unfolding each others breakdowns. Rocket Rain touches on the human longing for inner peace within the shifting values of contemporary Indonesian family. In a country where traditions are considered sacred, the concept of nature and social values are being mediated by the demands of modernity. Rocket Rain is a story of people who are trying to cope with this complexity of endless contradictions.