Earl Felton

Nacimiento : 1909-10-16,

Muerte : 1972-05-02


Testigo accidental
Una mujer que acude a una cita a ciegas y es testigo presencial del asesinato de su pareja por un mafioso, decide ocultarse y no informar a las autoridades. Cuando finalmente dan con ella, se niega a testificar. Pero, como la mafia va tras su pista, el fiscal del distrito Robert Caulfield la convence para ir en tren, en su compañía, hasta un paraje remoto del Canadá. Sin embargo, en un descuido del fiscal, sus perseguidores descubren su paradero...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Scenario Writer
Professor Arronax and Ned Land meet Captain Nemo, who reveals that the so-called sea monster they've been told about is actually his submarine The Nautilus.
Los asesinos del Kilimanjaro
Un ingeniero norteamericano llega a Mombasa para acabar las obras de un ferrocarril africano y para encontrar a su predecesor, que ha desaparecido misteriosamente. Mientras prosigue las obras, tendra que hacer frente a diversos obstáculos, especialmente a las violentas tribus locales, a los árabes traficantes de esclavos y a los animales salvajes.
El traficante de armas estadounidense Kennedy espera hacer su agosto con las ventas a los "Regulares" de la revolución mexicana de 1916. El mercenario estadounidense Wilson favorece a la facción rebelde, liderada por Escobar, y planea robar las armas de Kennedy; pero Wilson también tiene un ojo puesto en la esposa de Kennedy. Resultado: ataques, contra-ataques, y huidas en medio de verdaderas lluvias de balas.
Aquellos duros años
Ben Mattews decide abandonar su azarosa vida de jugador a bordo de un barco para asentarse con su novia Zoe en Galena. Pero, cuando Ben es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido, se ve forzado a huir de la ciudad. Al cabo de muchos años, decide regresar para encontrarse con Zoe, pero, sobre todo para encontrar al culpable y limpiar su nombre.
Gente brava
Arizona, 1875. Un terrateniente, obsesionado por conservar intactas sus tierras, está dispuesto a poner en juego su vida y la de sus hombres con tal de expulsar de ellas a un intruso que ha ocupado un terreno pedregoso y polvoriento.
20.000 leguas de viaje submarino
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. En 1870, debido a los relatos de marineros que aseguran haber visto un monstruo marino al sur del Pacífico, los Estados Unidos fletan un buque de guerra para destruir a la bestia que altera la tranquilidad de los mares. Pero, cuando el monstruo los ataca, de nada sirve todo su poderío bélico para evitar el desastre. Tras el hundimiento del buque, los tripulantes son rescatados por el propio "monstruo", que resulta ser un buque capaz de sumergirse en el mar, algo inédito hasta entonces.
The Happy Time
Associate Producer
A violinist and his brother guide one's son through his crush on the family maid in 1920s Ottawa.
The Happy Time
A violinist and his brother guide one's son through his crush on the family maid in 1920s Ottawa.
Testigo accidental
En un momento de gran auge del poder de la mafia, Walter Brown debe acompañar a una mujer para que testifique en un juicio en Los Ángeles. Ella es la viuda de un gángster que ha sido asesinado. La Mafia, sin embargo, está dispuesta a evitar la comparecencia de la mujer al precio que sea... (FILMAFFINITY)
Sucedió en Las Vegas (Una historia de Las Vegas)
Lloyd y su esposa Linda viajan en tren camino a Los Ángeles. Al pasar por Las Vegas él le propone pararse y pasar unos días allí, idea que ella acepta contrariada, debido a hechos de su pasado. Una vez allí Lloyd juega frenéticamente y no para de perder dinero. Además, la policía le detiene acusándolo de la muerte del propietario del casino.
Atraco al furgón blindado
Dave Purvis es un meticuloso y cauto atracador que prepara su próximo golpe: robar el dinero de un furgón blindado. Pero durante el atraco, algo falla y uno de sus compinches y un policía mueren, mientras el resto del grupo consigue huir. El teniente Cordell intentará encontrar a los forajidos vengar la muerte de su compañero asesinado.
El Ministerio de Hacienda detecta una serie de billetes de 20 dólares falsos, los agentes reconocen la firma de un minucioso trabajo, Tris Stewart (Lloyd Bridges), un tipo duro que cumple condena en el penal. El gobierno le ofrece una reducción de condena a cambio de que les ayude a localizar a quien está usando sus antiguas planchas, Stewart inicialmente renuncia pero semanas más tarde y durante el traslado a otro penal se fuga.
Original Story
El Ministerio de Hacienda detecta una serie de billetes de 20 dólares falsos, los agentes reconocen la firma de un minucioso trabajo, Tris Stewart (Lloyd Bridges), un tipo duro que cumple condena en el penal. El gobierno le ofrece una reducción de condena a cambio de que les ayude a localizar a quien está usando sus antiguas planchas, Stewart inicialmente renuncia pero semanas más tarde y durante el traslado a otro penal se fuga.
The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend
Saloon-bar singer Freddie gets very angry whenever boyfriend Blackie seems to be playing around. She always packs a six-shooter, so this is bad news for anything that happens to be in the way. As this is usually the local judge's rear-end, Freddie and friend Conchita are soon hiding out teaching school in the middle of nowhere.
The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend
Saloon-bar singer Freddie gets very angry whenever boyfriend Blackie seems to be playing around. She always packs a six-shooter, so this is bad news for anything that happens to be in the way. As this is usually the local judge's rear-end, Freddie and friend Conchita are soon hiding out teaching school in the middle of nowhere.
Juzgado criminal
Steve Barnes es un famoso y brillante abogado que desea trabajar para el fiscal del distrito. Una noche mata accidentalmente a un gángster, que es el propietario del nightclub donde está trabajando como cantante su novia Georgia Gale. Steve planea ocultar su implicación en el crimen, pero su novia descubre el cuerpo por azar al tropezar con él... y es acusada posteriormente del asesinato. Barnes busca como puede despejar las sospechas del crimen que implican a Georgia sin mostrar realmente cómo ocurrió, para lo que tiene que recurrir a una rocambolesca trama de la que no se puede desprender...
Pardon My Past
Eddie York (MacMurray) is mistaken for playboy Francis Pemberton and gets into trouble.
My Best Gal
A girl from a show-business family seeks a backer for her boyfriend's musical.
Heart of the Golden West
Lambert owns the trucking line that ships cattle to market. When he raises his rates Roy decides to ship the cattle on the River Boat. When Lambert and his men are unable to stop the boat, they rustle the cattle.
Sunset Serenade
Bad guys plot to trick a newly arrived Eastern girl out of a ranch which belongs to her infant ward. Roy, of course, saves the ranch for the girl. Songs include "I'm Headin's for the Home Corral," "He's a No Good Son of a Gun," "Sandman Lullaby," "Song of the San Joaquin," and "I'm a Cowboy Rockefeller."
Sierra Sue
To fight a poisonous weed, ranchers are burning their land. Gene is the Inspector brought in and he recommends spraying. The spraying goes well until the Larabee ranch is reached. When Larrabee refuses to allow the equipment on his land, Gene has it sprayed by airplane. Cattle must stay off recently sprayed land and when a Larrabee man shoots down the plane, the crash sends the cattle stampeding toward the newly sprayed land.
The Pittsburgh Kid
Unable to sign boxer Joe Louis to movie contract, Republic Pictures had to make do with the losers of Louis' heavyweight championship bouts. One of these was Billy Conn, who after being knocked out by Louis in the 13th round awakened to star in the Republic programmer The Pittsburgh Kid. The story finds clean-limned pugilist Conn (playing himself) being managed by pretty Patricia Mallory.
World Premiere
A movie-making publicity man screwball comedy about a movie producer who wants to create publicity for his latest project. He decides to have three men pose as spies, disrupting the opening, but things don't go quite as planned...there are actual spies also present!
World Premiere
A movie-making publicity man screwball comedy about a movie producer who wants to create publicity for his latest project. He decides to have three men pose as spies, disrupting the opening, but things don't go quite as planned...there are actual spies also present!
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
Calling All Marines
Gang members Blackie Cross and Snooker try to pick up Judy Fox and her friend Pat as they welcome home Judy's brother, Marine Sergeant Marvin Fox.
Smuggled Cargo
When a sudden cold snap hits the Imperial Valley in California, orange growers fear that frost will kill their crops. Orange Growers Association president John Clayton assures his fellow farmers that he will help them obtain the oil needed to keep warming fires burning.
Society Smugglers
The Treasury Department plants a female agent in the office of a luggage company that is suspected of smuggling diamonds.
The Night Hawk
Gangster Charlie McCormick despairs as his young brother Bobby lays near death and vows to break the quarantine of the ocean liner Pacific Queen in order to retrieve the iron lung Bobby needs. Meanwhile, newspaper editor Lonigan searches for reporter Slim Torrence, because Slim is friends with Tom Niles, the customs officer on the verge of cracking a whiskey smuggling case. Lonigan is about to send another reporter to cover the story when Della Parrish, the publisher's daughter, assures him that she can locate Slim. With the help of Slim's young photographer, Willie Sing, Della finds Slim in a waterfront dive, and Willie and Slim sneak aboard the Pacific Queen to find Niles. Niles hints that McCormick is the head of the smuggling ring and promises Slim an exclusive when he breaks the story the next day.
Prison Nurse
A state prison is threatened by approaching floods, an epidemic of typhoid fever breaks out among the inmates, the prison's only doctor falls sick, there are only three nurses to administer vaccines and take care of stricken patients--and a group of prisoners is planning to use the chaos as a cover for a mass escape.
Bad Guy
A power-company troubleshooter has his brother get him out of prison by running high voltage to the bars of his cell.
Bengal Tiger
After causing his friend's death, an animal trainer marries the man's daughter to atone.
Man Hunt
A bored small-town teacher gets mixed up with an escaped bank robber.
Freshman Love
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.
Operation Undersea
Walt Disney cuenta la historia de la exploración del mar.