Michael Cavanagh


It Takes a Family
It Takes A Family is a complex, personal story about the director’s family, its secrets and repressed memories. Susanne Kovács knows that her paternal grandparents survived the Holocaust and fled to Denmark to begin a new life. The Hungarian couple kept their own story under lock and key throughout their lives and focused on immersing themselves into Danish everyday life as quickly as possible. A picture book life, seen from the outside. To escape the memory of death, they smiled and remained silent. If no one sees the darkness, they hoped, normality becomes possible. However the unsaid did not fade but grew and finally began to darken the present. Now, Susanne wants to break the silence. But her probing questions bring back painful memories. Is she at all allowed to dig into a family history that holds so many ghosts from the past? And maybe there is more than one truth?
El elevado coste de la vivienda y los fondos de inversión mundiales, empujan a las personas a la pobreza, desnudas de un derecho fundamental. La determinación del activista Leilani Farha para denunciar esta situación, revela la perversidad detrás del especulación. Es hora de reconocer que éste no es un desarrollo natural e inevitable.
Bicicletas vs coches
La sociedad se enfrenta a varios contratiempos que pronto deberá afrontar: el cambio climático, la contaminación urbana, el agotamiento de los recursos fósiles. En este contexto, la bicicleta se erige como una alternativa al cambio importante, pero la industria del automóvil invierte millones para mantener su negocio. En este nuevo documental de Fredrik Gertten, varios activistas y teóricos de todo el mundo exponen los beneficios que podría tener una sociedad más adaptada a las dos ruedas y reflexiona como han evolucionado las ciudades cada vez más adaptadas a los coches. (FILMAFFINITY)
Late on Earth
A girl is having a smoke. Her moped has broken down. A guy is out walking too many dogs. A bunch of girls are playing football near a canyon. Dusk is falling and the magnificent cinematography lends a feeling that something greater than ourselves is at hand.