Zeina Saab de Melero


Costume Design
Beirut, Líbano. Zain es un niño de doce años inteligente y valiente, que sobrevive a los peligros de las calles de la ciudad gracias a su ingenio. Huyendo de sus padres, y haciendo valer sus derechos, recurre a la justicia para demandarles por el 'crimen' de haberle dado la vida. Una fábula contemporánea de carácter político sobre un niño que se rebela contra la vida que le han impuesto vivir .
Go Home
Production Design
Nada is going home. Or at least she wants to. When she comes back to Lebanon, she realizes she's a foreigner in her own country. But there's still a place she calls home: an abandoned house in ruins, haunted by the presence of her grandfather who disappeared mysteriously during the civil war. Something happened in this house. Something violent. A young woman searching for the truth and discovering herself.
Production Design
Nabil returns to Beirut with the ashes of his father who died abroad. He tries to overcome his bereavement while his family insists on respecting rites and customs by burying a non-existent corpse.