Sergey Sarkisov

Sergey Sarkisov


Sergey Sarkisov


Show Me What You Got
Executive Producer
Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather. The trio finds joy together by joining political protests, making art, and falling deeper into their unconventional love, until Marcello must return to Italy.
En lucha
El hijo mayor de un campeón de MMA despiadadamente duro debe luchar para salir del ciclo abusivo que su padre ha continuado.
Let's Scare Julie
Executive Producer
En tiempo real, un grupo de chicas adolescentes se dispuso a asustar a la solitaria vecina, pero su broma se convierte en terror cuando, una a una, desaparecen.
Los Fixies contra los Crabots
Rebeca, la novia que tuvo el profesor Eugenio en la universidad, ha descubierto que éste ganó el Gran Premio de la Universidad en Impresión 3D gracias a unos pequeños ayudantes secretos, los Fixies, que dirigían la impresora desde dentro. Por este motivo, amenaza con revelar al mundo la existencia de estos diminutos seres. Pero, antes de contar el secreto, desafía a Eugenio para que el mundo finalmente sepa quién es realmente el mejor inventor. Para ello, permite que a Eugenio le ayuden sus pequeños amigos, ya que ella cuenta con el apoyo de los Crabots, unos cangrejos robóticos en miniatura que son más rápidos y fuertes que los Fixies y que ella misma ha creado. ¿Podrán los Fixies reunir la fuerza y ​​el coraje necesarios para trabajar en equipo y ganar el desafío más difícil de sus vidas?
To Paris!
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.
To Paris!
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.
To Paris!
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.
To Paris!
general Von Vartensleben
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.
King Lear
Co-Executive Producer
Shakespeare's classic tale of an aging king who splits up his kingdom for his three daughters to govern, but is misled about their affections, and driven into exile.