Mariana Sanguinetti


Assistant Director
A heat wave strikes Buenos Aires and Juana has to stay while everyone is on vacation; for her everything seems repetitive and dull, and a pop song about the sea follows her everywhere.
Assistant Director
Tres historias absurdas de amor y crimen. Un hombre roba el anillo de diamantes de su esposa y lo vende para comprar un flipper. Tres amigas viajan a la costa para comprar un flipper pero son estafadas y reciben una ayuda impensada. Una mujer mata accidentalmente a su amante, desecha el cuerpo y luego se entera que él podría tener diamantes encima.
Tan perdida como convencida
Paula goes through a night, trying hard to make something happen that is not happening to her. As she gets drunk in all the places she visits, she meets an ex-boyfriend, some friends who are not with her and Fernando. What was her threat, ends up being her treasure.
Tan perdida como convencida
Paula goes through a night, trying hard to make something happen that is not happening to her. As she gets drunk in all the places she visits, she meets an ex-boyfriend, some friends who are not with her and Fernando. What was her threat, ends up being her treasure.
Antes de irme
Jimena's ex-boyfriend now lives in their old place with his new girlfriend. She still has the keys and things to tell him. She goes in when no one is there because it just feels normal. Mariana Sanguinetti creates an ode to intimacy and closure, with humour and a big heart. - IFFR
Antes de irme
Jimena's ex-boyfriend now lives in their old place with his new girlfriend. She still has the keys and things to tell him. She goes in when no one is there because it just feels normal. Mariana Sanguinetti creates an ode to intimacy and closure, with humour and a big heart. - IFFR
Un cuadro japonés
Assistant Director
Un extranjero se aventura a vivir en Buenos Aires por amor. Luego de llegar y muy poco tiempo después, la ruptura con esta mujer toca a su puerta. Un poco desorientado decide regresar a Colombia, sin embargo, algo se lo impide y decide no tomar ese vuelo. Un futuro lleno de amor le esperan a este extranjero que sin darse cuenta, termina envuelto en una historia con más de una participante.