Olha Klymenko


God Will Forgive
The Ukrainian chaplain trying to get out of the Donbas gray area, stumbles upon a shot convoy of separatists, where he encounters a mortally wounded mercenary and is faced with a choice - to help or continue to flee, but suddenly inadvertently steps on an antipersonnel mine.
Bad Roads
Cuatro historias cortas se desarrollan en las carreteras de Donbass durante la guerra. No hay espacios seguros y nadie puede entender lo que está sucediendo. Aunque estén atrapados en el caos, algunos consiguen ejercer su autoridad sobre otros. Pero en este mundo, en el que el mañana puede no llegar nunca, no todos están indefensos y son miserables, e incluso es posible que les toque a las víctimas más inocentes tomar las riendas.
El vuelo del halcón
El Imperio mongol se había convertido en el más grande que el mundo había conocido. Sus ejércitos habían sitiado gran parte de Europa del Este. Un pequeño pueblo en las montañas de los Cárpatos lucha por la libertad.
The Cyborgs
‘The Cyborgs’ vuelve a contar la historia reciente de Ucrania: la lucha legendaria por el Aeropuerto de Donetsk en 2014 durante la invasión rusa. Los luchadores por la libertad de varias divisiones del ejército ucraniano y batallones de voluntarios tomaron una posición de 242 días contra los militantes respaldados por Rusia hasta la destrucción completa de la terminal del aeropuerto.
Casting Director
A man with a stack of pulp fiction arrives in a village in the Poltava region. Locals know that his name is Slavik, that he comes from Russia, and that he doesn't drink alcohol. Otherwise, he's just like anybody else. He's just a mediocre person. He meets a bright personality in the village. She's a widow called Nina, a local producer of moonshine. Nina is about 20 years older than him. She has a past, she's nervous, but her charisma and vitality attract people. Slavik was also attracted by this. It wasn't easy for them to be together. She loved with passion and was jealous. She wanted him to dig potatoes, not to read, and to booze with her. He learned how to do only the last thing. He had thought he would spend a winter with her and then leave. But no way. Slavik returned to Nina many times as if he was tied to her with some invisible threads. He can't explain his affection for her by anything other than mysticism.