Péter Fülöp


Now or Never!
On March 15, 1848, a young firebrand poet, Sándor Petöfi ignites the Hungarian Revolution with his passionate 'National Song', prompting the Austrians to dispatch a ruthless secret agent to assassinate him and suppress the uprising.
Second Round
In a world where childbirth is state-regulated, a couple applies for a license to have a child. They pass the first round of the process, but have no idea what awaits them in the second round.
Budapest Heist
In the small Romanian town of Deva, Kato, a teen girl living in an orphanage, gets electrocuted while drying her hair. This apparently banal event will completely turn things upside down around her. The orphanage is invaded by electricians, and a new volunteer is hired to help restore order. Kato will become infatuated by her to the point of reconsidering the way she views her world.
During the fall of the Soviet Union a young Hungarian boy falls in love with an American girl, when she comes for a short visit to her parent's old town in Hungary. In order to see her again, the 13 year-old boy decides to create a special machine that could transport him to the USA.
A Nagy Dobás
My Night, Your Day
Production Manager
Novák cannot sleep. Not to disturb his girlfriend, he spends his nights in the streets of Budapest and gets into weirder and weirder, more and more impossible and dangerous situations and liaisons. Unless he dies, he may regain his dreams by them.
Galloping Mind
Production Manager
Dos gemelos, un niño y una niña, son separados al nacer. La niña crece en un hogar burgués, mientras que su hermano lo hace en una banda callejera.
Production Manager
A dog who saved lifes all around the world.
Heavenly Shift
Second Assistant Director
Death does not select, man does. Set in Budapest, Heavenly Shift offers an eerie insight into the everyday lives of a rather extraordinary ambulance crew. The films main character is Milan, a young refugee from the Balkan War, who joins a team of paramedics but inadvertently ends up involved in the funeral business in order to finance his fiancee s rescue from the hostilities.
Guerra Mundial Z
Assistant Location Manager
Cuando el mundo comienza a ser invadido por una legión de muertos vivientes, Gerry Lane, un experto investigador de las Naciones Unidas, intentará evitar el fin de la civilización en una carrera contra el tiempo y el destino. La destrucción a la que se ve sometida la raza humana lo lleva a recorrer el mundo entero buscando la solución para frenar esa horrible epidemia.
La jungla: Un buen día para morir
Location Manager
Conservando la destreza y la actitud perseverante características de las anteriores entregas, que le han convertido en el mayor rival de todos los criminales que atentan contra la libertad de la humanidad y que han permitiendo la salvación de ésta en distintas situaciones y circunstancias, John McClane deberá viajar a Rusia para rescatar a su hijo que se encuentra encerrado en una prisión bajo las órdenes de un déspota líder ruso. Padre e hijo tendrán que unir fuerzas para luchar contra su adversario, conseguir liberarse y mantenerse con vida. Así, los protagonistas se verán envueltos en una sucesión de extrema hostilidad que no solo pondrá su vida en peligro, también la del resto de ciudadanos. Su deber será hacer todo lo posible por conservar algo tan esencial en la sociedad actual como es la democracia, una libertad de la que el perverso y autoritario líder antagonista querrá apoderarse.