Shoken Kunimoto


Nebagiba New World
A former boxing gym owner and his younger brother rise up to help a boy and his teacher's daughter from a vicious religious group that preys on good people.
Kingdom 5 ~ Don ni natta otoko ~
Lady in White
Shigeo Iwakuma
When a new employee from a well-off family begins working for the first she had understood that she is walking into a fabulous working environment. This is what they call a 'white company.' Instead, she is in for a rude shock when the employer turns out to be a 'black company,' which is one with a negative environment, a rude boss, problematic co-workers, abuse and low pay. The employee's father runs a company that happens to go broke. She herself is not a model employee exactly however.
Joshi Camera
Miki (Kaoru Mitsumune), Aya (Mika Kumagai), Megumi (Miyako Takayama) and Haruka (Yukiyo Sono) are friends in the same photography club at their university. They often spend their time together at "Tide-Pool" tea shop, run by Miki's parents. One month before they graduate, they girls plan a graduation trip, but Miki is unable to join due to her studies. Also, Haruka lost the girls' trip money. They all make up, but next month they'll go their separate ways. Miki feels empty ...
Outrage 2
Otomo sale de la cárcel dispuesto a derrocar al clan Sanno, que lo dio por muerto años atrás. A esta venganza personal se suma una guerra entre familias rivales y, también, la ofensiva de las fuerzas de la ley contra el crimen organizado.
不良の神様 ~瑠璃の鳴く頃に~
Aquiles y la Tortuga
Debt Collector
La obsesión de un joven con el arte lo deja sin un centavo hasta que su esposa alejada lo ayuda.
Samurai Justice 2: Mother & Daughter
Master swordsman Akiyama Kohei’s simple life in retirement is jarred into violent sword action when he meets an elderly fencing instructor who may be the target of a group of thieves planning a major armed robbery. At the same time dojo master Daijiro saves the life of man who, although skilled in archery has an aversion to killing and a woman artist comes into town where she is in danger of being raped by one of the thieves. From the pen of noted author Ikenami Shotaro, creator of such classics as Bandit Ve. Samurai, Hunter In The Dark, The Last Samurai, and Hissatsu-The Professional Killers! Brilliant storytelling that leads to superb swordsmanship!
Rival Swordsman
Japón, siglo XIX. Zatoichi es un vagabundo ciego que vive del juego y de dar masajes. Pero además es un maestro con la espada, rápido y preciso como el mejor samurai. En una ciudad en las montañas, a merced de la banda de Ginzo, Zatoichi y su fiel amigo Shinkichi conocen a un par de geishas, bellas y peligrosas. Okinu y su hermana Osei han llegado a la ciudad a vengar el asesinato de sus padres, y su única pista es el misterioso nombre de Kuchinawa
Yamamoto es un yakuza que viaja a Los Ángeles para encontrarse con su hermano pequeño, Ken, al que protege y financia mediante sus ingresos criminales. Pero al llegar allí, descubre que Ken está realizando unas operaciones de tráfico de drogas sin demasiado futuro. Yamamoto decide ayudarle mostrándole cómo tomar los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles al estilo de la mafia japonesa, es decir, usando matones profesionales que basen sus acciones en un estricto código del honor que chocará con la mentalidad criminal norteamericana.