Yves Massard

Yves Massard

Nacimiento : 1923-06-16, Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany

Muerte : 1996-03-01


Yves Louis Paul Marie Vigneron, conocido como Yves Massard, fue un actor de cine francés de origen alemán.


Yves Massard


Brigada de la noche
Cuando la investigación sobre el asesinato de una prostituta por parte del vicedepartamento de París se descarrila, un policía no se detendrá ante nada para vengarse.
On n'est pas sorti de l'auberge
Monsieur Maréchal
It's about a couple owning a small hotel who are trying to sell it.
Afrodita, la diosa del amor
Harry es un joven millonario que se va de vacaciones en su yate a las islas griegas. Allí se aloja en la lujosa mansión de su amigo el Barón Orloff, que organiza una fiesta de 3 días y 3 noches en homenaje a la diosa Afrodita, la diosa del amor. Harry conoce entonces a Pauline, su diosa particular.
Historia de unas bragas azules
Una historia de encuentros sexuales de una mujer y varios amigos, familiares y conocidos, como se ha visto (y dijo) desde la perspectiva de un par de bragas de satén azul.
La chambre mandarine
La facture
Noëlle is a woman who succeeds in everything. In addition, she is blessed with incredible luck. But one day, she questions herself, convinced one day to pay the bill. So, to be unhappy, she dismisses one of her friends ... Filmed at the Édouard VII Theater in Paris.
Misión Torpedo
An Inspector at the tail (uncredited)
Una mujer que ignora que su marido es un espía lo mata al encontrarlo con otra.
El pasajero de la lluvia
Mélancolie, una atractiva joven, es asaltada y violada por un misterioso desconocido. La chica consigue quitarle la pistola al violador y lo asesina; después arroja el cadáver al fondo del océano. Al cabo de unos días, cuando el cuerpo sale a flote, un oficial del ejército americano acusa a Mélancolie no sólo de asesinato, sino también del robo de un dinero destinado al ejército de los Estados Unidos.
La mujer escarlata
Bit part (uncredited)
Después de ser suciamente traicionada por su amante y socio comercial, Eva se va de Niza a París y allí resuelve asesinarle cuando él llegue a la capital francesa, el viernes. Mientras espera conoce a François, un hombre que la invita a subir a la Torre Eiffel y al cual le dice que va a sucidarse el viernes. El trata de quitarle esa idea de la cabeza, pero Eva decide esfumarse. Preocupado al creer que habla en serio, François intenta encontrarla.
Los culpables
Un hombre de negocios cuya empresa está en quiebra decide fingir su propia muerte con la complicidad de su esposa y el amante de ésta, un médico que se encargará de firmar el certificado de defunción. Así podrá cobrar un seguro de vida de cinco millones de pesetas, y los amantes tendrán el camino libre para casarse.
Vampiresas 1930
Tony Fabien
Daniel y Tony se dedican al cine mudo. Daniel hace de doble en las escenas de peligro y Tony toca el violín para ambientar a los artistas. A cambio de su música comen gratis en un restaurante italiano. Un día entra en el restaurante Carolina, artista de circo que se ha quedado sin trabajo. Los dos amigos se compadecen de ella y la llevan a su pensión, llena de artistas que esperan ser contratados.
Man Wants to Live
Yves Chardin
La reina del Tabarín
En el año 1913, una familia de músicos ambulantes va a parar a la casa de una rica marquesa. La hija del músico, Lolita, salta la tapia de la casa y se topa con el hijo de la pudiente señora, de quien pronto se enamora pensando que es el camarero.
Jules' Breadwinner
Pascal l'Élégant
Adaptation of "Le pain des jules" by Ange Bastiani.
Port of Point-du-Jour
Emile is a steelworker in a car factory ;a confirmed bachelor going on fifty, he leads a peaceful life .One night, he is woken up by a burst of machine gun fire. The cafe in the corner of the street has been burglarized.A distraught young girl rushes into his apartment building and hides in his room .When the police make a search, he makes her out to be his lover for the night.Madeleine tells her about her sad past : she has severed all links with her parents ,she's an unwed mother and in the underworld's clutches. Emile sends his protegee to old mommy Dupont's place ,in the suburbs of Paris.
À pleines mains
Pierre Chevillon
Los cobardes
Un joven huérfano se obsesiona por una pecaminosa cabaretera, lo que lo lleva a vivir al margen de la ley. Cuando el muchacho se arrepiente, ya es demasiado tarde, pues la policía sigue sus pasos.
El intrépido La Tour
Le marquis François de Marmande
La Francia de Luis XV está en guerra con la emperatriz de Austria, María Teresa. Hernri La Tour, aventurero y cómico de la legua metido en el conflicto de forma fortuita, recibe el encargo del conde de Saint Server, mortalmente herido, de cuidad de su..
The Suspects
Inspector Louis Vignon
Commissaire Perrache, the chief of the D.S.T., the French domestic intelligence service, tries to neutralize a group of terrorists named the Partisans de la Métropole. He sends one of his best agents, inspector Louis Vignon, incidentally the husband of his charming secretary Lucette, on the trail of an illegal transmitter. But Vignon gets kidnapped by the gang and held captive on a boat off the shores of Monaco...
S.O.S. Noronha
Adorables Démons
M. Charles
Dr. Delacroix
"Poisoner" - After her fiancé is arrested Claire finds herself alone and forced to find work. She is hired by a country squire, Etienne de Montenoy, as the tutor of his goddaughter. It does not take long before Montenoy falls for her but a little longer before the young woman, reluctant at first, understands Etienne loves her truly and then requites his love. Etienne lives so happily with her that he decides to make her his heir. Shortly after, he is murdered by poison...
Calle Mayor
Una pequeña ciudad de España, octubre de 1955. Isabel, una soñadora de treinta y cinco años que se siente fracasada porque aún no se ha casado, se convierte en el nuevo objetivo de un grupo de bromistas sin alma.
A Missionary
Père Jean Maurel
Je suis un mouchard
Mado loves Henry but is coveted by Bob Torquella, a dangerous gangster. The latter, mad with jealousy, is prepared to do everything to get rid of Henri. He and his accomplice involve him in a dangerous robbery. Henri is hurt and arrested by the police. But the young man, a weak character, denounces his accomplices. Two years later, the two gangsters run away from prison. Bob finds that Henri and Mado are husband and wife and have a daughter. In a panic, Henri runs for cover.
Nariz de cuero
A gentleman
Tras ser herido en la cara en combate, el conde Roger de Tinchebraye se ve obligado a esconder su cara desfigurada tras una máscara de cuero y decide convertirse en un Casanova. Cuando encuentra el verdadero amor, el cínico Roger lo ignora y permite que la pura e inocente Judith se case con un viejo marqués; tras la muerte de su esposo, Judith se vuelve a encontrar con Roger, quien le muestra su cara desfigurada, lo cual no la desalienta en absoluto.
Skipper Next to God
A Jewish passenger (uncredited)
Captain Joris Kniper believes so strongly that he is "skipper next to God" that he is used to playing God on his ship. Tough and bossy, he gives orders which are not to be discussed. But, some day, he is driven to accept on board several German Jews fleeing the nazis and who are refused asylum everywhere. He gradually realizes that skipper he is, but next to God only.The Bible will help him to find the way to self-questioning, awareness and charity.
Jean de la Lune
Marceline is pretty but inconstant. She has a brother, eccentric as well as invading, who serves as a go-between between the fickle young woman and her lovers. She has been the mistress of Richard for a while when Jeff, an engaging but but unrepentant dreamer, falls madly in love with her. Marceline first turns him down but finally accepts him after she breaks up with Richard. But the coquette has not given up her escapades to which the young florist, nicknamed "Jean de la Lune" for his naivety, turns a blind eye. Little time after their wedding , Marceline becomes infatuated with the good looks of a superficial young man, Alexandre. But Jeff, who has developed a fondness for Jean, intervenes to save the couple.
The Eagle with Two Heads
Political intrigue and psychological drama run parallel. The queen is in seclusion, veiling her face for the ten years since her husband's assassination, longing to join him in death. Stanislas, a poet whose pen name is Azrael, is a suicidal anarchist, his imagination haunted into hate by longing for this queen who's drawn apart. He enters her private quarters intent on killing her then himself, but they fall in love, in part because he looks like the king. Stanislas wants her to regain political power by appearing to the public, and she tries to convince him to find hope and escape. All the while, the queen's enemies plot to keep the lovers together but to thwart their plans.
The Queen's Lover
Bit part (uncredited)
Exiled from the court of Spain, Don Salluste, the chief of police, wants to take revenge on the Queen. One day he meets Ruy Blas, a young student who happens to be a lookalike of Don Cesar, his nephew. Salluste disguises Ruy Blas and presents him as Don Cesar. It doesn't take long before Ruy Blas, intelligent, virtuous and generous as he is becomes popular and the Queen, who has fallen in love with him, appoints him Prime Minister. All seems for the best in the best of worlds but Salluste has not forgotten his revenge, far from that ...
The Sea Rose
Jérôme owns a boat with his crook of an uncle, La Rose de la Mer. They sail with a band of crooks hired by the uncle to scuttle the ship and collect the insurance premium.