A philosophical allegory regarding the human situation and the mystery of life. The story focuses on the fictional Segismundo, Prince of Poland, who has been imprisoned in a tower by his father, King Basilio, following a dire prophecy that the prince would bring disaster to the country and death to the King. Basilio briefly frees Segismundo, but when the prince goes on a rampage, the king imprisons him again, persuading him that it was all a dream.
La obra comienza con la señorita Alice Carrington, visiblemente embarazada, esperando en el altar junto a su padre y el sacerdote para contraer matrimonio con Oscar Sheville. De repente, se oye un disparo a lo lejos y Philip Calwright acude a la iglesia para traer la noticia de que Oscar acaba de ser asesinado. A continuación, Holmes se desplaza a la mansión de la endogámica famillia, donde irá entrevistándose con todos ellos con la intención de resolver el crimen.