Rudolf Czettel


The Last Dialogue
Production Design
"Austria - First Victim of National Socialism" - this is the core theme of the self-image of the country that first welcomed Hitler with waving flags and arms stretched to the sky: Nation, People and Race - Sieg Heil! Monuments, commemorative events and in between the helplessness of dull remembrance. What to do with the lie, where to put the pain, and why again? The war of narratives begins with the liberation of the concentration camps, with the piles of corpses - and it continues to this day. A final journey with those who were there. Which story do we tell ourselves, and which do we want to hear?
Elysium Hernalsiense
Art Direction
A man in a permanent vegetative state is lying at the ‘Hernals Hospital of Eternal Life’ (formerly known as Etablissement Gschwandner, soon to reopen as REAKTOR, Geblergasse, Vienna’s 17th District), reliving in his dreams the events that led to his hospitalisation. His wife certainly had a hand in it. A few years back she disappeared from his life without trace, without explanation. Shortly before he was admitted to hospital she reappeared at his medical practice, accompanied by a child he wished was his own. In his waking dreams, realities and memories of his hopes and dreams blend with dreams of realities without hopes.
Amenaza Blanca
Production Design
En los Alpes austriacos han encontrado el cuerpo de un joven que murió en un accidente de esquí ocho años antes. El doctor Marc Pelletier decide volver al lugar de los hechos, pues se trata del hermano de su ex novia. Cuando llega a la estación de esquí, una espantosa avalancha sepulta todo el pueblo.
Production Design
Retrato del artista austríaco Gustav Klimt, cuyos suntuosos y eróticos cuadros marcaron el estilo Art Nouveau de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.
O Palmenbaum
Production Design
Kati and Jonas have planned to get married secretly during their Christmas trip to Mauritius - but in the end, Kati's entire family gets wind of the plan and shows up at the airport to accompany them.
Born in Absurdistan
Art Direction
It all begins with a mistake, an error with serious consequences: in a hospital the new-born babies of an Austrian couple and a Turkish family of immigrant workers are mixed up and go home with the wrong parents. By the time the mistake comes to light, it emerges that the Turkish family, including the baby, has been deported. The despairing Austrian couple begins a confusing odyssey through Turkey in order to track down the unsuspecting family to their native village. But they are not at all convinced that the babies have been mixed up. It is decided that the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It is decided that the blood work is done in Vienna due to the better medical resources, but that will be far from simple. It will involve an illegal smuggling of the Turks across the Austrian border.
Single Bells
Production Design
Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear... Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear...
El séptimo continente
Art Direction
Basada en hechos reales. Una familia burguesa decide desprenderse de todos sus bienes y vivir según una concepción espiritual del mundo, que llevarán hasta las últimas consecuencias...
El séptimo continente
Production Design
Basada en hechos reales. Una familia burguesa decide desprenderse de todos sus bienes y vivir según una concepción espiritual del mundo, que llevarán hasta las últimas consecuencias...
Müllers Büro
Art Direction
Musical film-noir parody about Max Müller, an underemployed private detective who is asked by his beautiful but secretive client, Ingrid Bergmann to look for her disappeared fiancé. Together with his assistant Larry he combs the underworld and little by little it becomes clear that his mysterious client is not what she seems to be.
Art Direction
Los herederos de la cruz gamada
Art Direction
Una organización neonazi está reclutando personas en la década de 1980, y dos jóvenes de instituto se unen por razones similares, a pesar de las diferencias de clase. Tomás es el hijo de un padre empresario hecho a sí mismo y una madre que ha escalado posiciones. Charly, un desertor, es el hijo de un trabajador grosero y alcohólico
Der tote Onkel
Art Direction
Joseph von Träubesser is a scion of a wealthy aristocratic family. He's not satisfied with idle bliss but is ambitious and tries to become a good painter. His family and especially his nephew Leonid, who could be taken for his twin, think he's cracked. Fabian Cabanas, a famous painter, isn't at all pleased with his life. Apion Herbst, a postman and spiritualist, holds séances when off duty and helps Fabian to a new body. And Joseph too profits from this séance.