Paolo Hasbun


Los ofendidos
Sound Director
When I turned 33 years-old, my mother told me that my father, during the Salvadorian Civil War, had been captured and tortured for 33 days by the National Police. Two years later I had the courage to ask him and other men and women about those days. These people do not ask for revenge, all that they ask is for the truth to be known.
The Word in the Woods (La Palabra en el Bosque)
Director of Photography
During the early 1970s, hundreds of peasants in a remote region of El Salvador began to emulate the early Christians, working the land together and building communities based on solidarity. By the late 1970s, thousands of peasants in northern Morazan organized to resist National Guard repression which often involved torture and executions. In 1980s, the military engaged in scorched earth operations against their villages, inaugurating a 12-year civil war. The Word in the Woods tells their stories. The film's protagonists must reflect upon their struggles in the light of current reality.