Gaetano Carito


Esterno Notte (part II)
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
Esterno Notte
The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists
El traidor
Sound Recordist
Palermo, Sicilia, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, miembro de la mafia siciliana, decide mudarse a Brasil con su familia huyendo de la guerra constante entre los diferentes clanes de la organización criminal. Pero cuando, después de vivir varias desgracias, se ve obligado a regresar a Italia, toma una decisión audaz que cambiará para siempre su vida y el destino de la Cosa Nostra.
Poveri ma ricchissimi
The Tucci family discovers that they have not really lost all their money and, refusing to pay Italian taxes, decides to turn Torresecca into a tax haven, relying on a post-Italian unification bureaucratic oversight.
Piccoli crimini coniugali
Gilles is suffering from amnesia as the result of a mysterious accident.
Ma tu di che segno 6?
Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.
Colpi di fortuna
A Flat for Three
Ulisse, Fulvio and Domenico decide to rent an apartment together in order to live with their modest work. However the three encounter any difficulties that have forced them to always be one step away from starvation. Ulisse has to maintain his wife and daughter selling recordings of important foreign singers, Fulvio has the task of reviewing silly scandals of celebrities instead of writing articles for major artists, while Domenico must keep his wife and children going to make love with old single pensioners.
Vacanze di Natale a Cortina
During the Christmas holidays, in Cortina d'Ampezzo interweave three stories.
Amici miei - Come tutto ebbe inizio
Jacopo, Duccio, Cecco, Manfredo and Filippo are five friends who live in Florence of the fifteenth century, during a plague epidemic.
We Believed
Como respuesta a la feroz represión borbónica de 1828, tres jóvenes del sur de Italia, Domenico, Angelo y Salvatore (Luigi Lo Cascio, Valerio Binasco y Luigi Pisani), deciden alistarse en el grupo de resistencia dirigido por Giuseppe Mazzini (Toni Servillo). A través de cuatro episodios, seremos testigos de la corrupción, las conspiraciones y las pulsiones homicidas que se viven en el seno de la organización. La unidad de Italia es el objetivo, pero no parece que vaya a ser precisamente un camino de rosas.
Kiss Me Again
A look at the lives of Carlo, Giulia, and their friends some 10 years after the events of L'Ultimo bacio.
Natale a Rio
Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.
Caos Calmo
Cuando la mujer de Pietro (Nanni Moretti) muere de improviso un día de verano, en ese preciso momento él estaba en la playa salvando la vida de una desconocida. Desde entonces Pietro se dedica sobre todo a estar con su hija y a no hacer nada: empieza a observar el mundo desde otro punto de vista y, poco a poco, va descubriendo el lado oculto de los demás. Sus jefes, sus compañeros de trabajo, amigos y parientes, intentan consolarlo, pero acaban rindiéndose ante su incomprensible e inquietante calma.
During 2004 alone, 1400 people in Italy died at their workplace. 3,87 per day. This is the story of one of them.
L'amore è eterno finché dura
Gilberto, 50enne, si fa coinvolgere in una cosiddetta speed-date, una gara in cui i protagonisti devono trovare un partner in 3 minuti. Arrestato, deve confessare tutto in presenza della moglie che lo sbatte fuori di casa. Rifugiatosi da amici scopre che il suo migliore amico è amante della moglie e comincia a tentare di avviare nuove relazioni che falliscono tutte.
El paraíso de improviso
Un técnico de efectos especiales que está en Isquia por trabajo conoce a una mujer fascinante que cambia su cínica opinión sobre el amor... pero las apariencias engañan.
Buenos días, noche
Chiara es una joven apasionada, utópica y revolucionaria que esconde su verdadera identidad como miembro de las Brigadas Rojas italianas a finales de los setenta. A simple vista se trata de una chica normal que se muda con su novio a un nuevo piso, pero su amigo Enzo empieza a sospechar que no todo es lo que parece.
Velocità massima
In search of purpose, 17-year-old Claudio helps easygoing mechanic Stefano build a car capable of winning a street race that could solve his financial problems, all while going out with the latter's former girlfriend.
Da zero a dieci
Four middle-aged friends leave for a summer weekend in Rimini, hoping to restart where they left off twenty years before.
El último beso
La joven Francesca se enamora de Carlo, pero él está a punto de casarse con Giulia, una chica romántica e idealista. Anna, la madre de Giulia, es una mujer que tiene miedo de envejecer y no se resigna a que su juventud se haya acabado para siempre.
Torino Boys
Slice-of-life stories of young Nigerian immigrants living in Turin, Italy at the turn of the millennium.
The movie is based on the autobiography of Horst Fantazzini. Son of an anarchist, he was known in Northern Italy as “the gentleman bandit” because he robbed banks without violence, with only a toy gun. After many convictions and jailbreaks, in the summer of 1973 he's being held in Fossano, Piedmont when he tries to escape again. This time things get messy and he has to use a real gun and take two prison guards as hostages.
April 24, 1993: it's the last broadcast of Radiofreccia, a small radio station that's closing after 18 years, barely one minute before coming of age. Bruno, one of its founders, starts to tell its story, which is also the story of a group of friends – especially troubled Freccia's – and a period of their youth in a little Northern Italian town.
Un inverno freddo freddo
Film about the romantic involvements and every day life of four women working in the financially troubled Guya Valentina Beauty Salon.
A group of Italian tourists on a Caribbean holiday finds itself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
Historia de un pobre hombre
Esta es la historia de dos hombres desgraciados: uno lo es porque no tiene dinero; el otro, porque tiene que vivir con una mujer insoportable. Ninguno de los dos encuentra solución a su problema hasta que uno propone un pacto: el primero matará a la esposa del segundo a cambio de lo que éste le pida. (FILMAFFINITY)
The New Comics
Boom Operator
A few funny little novels about different aspects of life.
Fantozzi in Heaven
Boom Operator
One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live
Compagni di scuola
Los antiguos compañeros de una clase de instituto se reúnen en una fiesta quince años después.
La noche de los tiburones
Sound Mixer
El jefe de la mafia, Rosetski, trata de encontrar a James para doblarle el cuello y lo persigue hasta una pequeña comunidad costera mexicana, derribando el avión del huidizo protagonista, con lo que provoca sin desearlo el hundimiento de los diamantes. Pero quien se anime a bucear en su búsqueda deberá sortear el peligro de los hambrientos tiburones que plagan la costa.
Rufufú... 20 años después
Aventuras y desventuras de un grupo de vividores que con el tiempo se ve mermado, bien por la muerte de unos o por el encarcelamiento de otros. Tras salir de prisión, Tiberio jura no volver a delinquir y está dispuesto a rehacer su vida, pero cuando regresa a su casa se encuentra con que las cosas ya no son como antes.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno
En la Verona del siglo XII, el campesino Bertoldo (Tognazzi) dispensa agudas burlas y sabios consejos al rey Alboino (Arena), al tiempo que sonoros collejones al torpe de su hijo Bertoldino (Nichetti).
El momento mágico
Tres amigos llegan a Roma con la intención de triunfar en el mundo del cine, uno como director, el otro como productor, y el tercero como cómico. Pronto conocen a diversas mujeres que cambiarán sus vidas.
La bella Otero
Sound Mixer
The story tells the life, the successes, the loves and the decadence of Augustine Caroline Otéro Iglesias, called "La Bella Otéro". The history of a Spanish actor, who - despite being born poor - became a symbol of the Belle Époque and one of the first dives of silent cinema.
La llave secreta
Nino es un hombre mayor que está casado con una bella joven. El tipo no está muy satisfecho con su vida sexual, pero una posibilidad de cambio se abre una noche que sorprende a su esposa dormida.
Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone
Marino Stroppaghetti is a breadwinner in a layoff fund who, in order to make some money, arranges himself by doing small tailoring jobs at home. Desperate for having received the eviction, he turns to the City of Rome, where he discovers that there are as many as 80 thousand questions before his. How to do?
Notes on City of Women
This 1980 on-set documentary features an extensive look behind the scenes of the film.