Ramon Nuñez

Ramon Nuñez


Ramon Nuñez


Discarded Things
When the life of Grace Wyatt, an esteemed music professor, is disrupted by tragedy, she finds herself thrown out of her lavish academic world and into the harsh reality of teaching at-risk youth.
1 Angry Black Man
Mike Anderson is a senior at the quintessential New-England liberal arts school, Frost College. And Mike is eight weeks away from graduation. On this particular day he has his African-American Literature class with his favorite professor. But today, Mike is feeling sadness. He's feeling isolated. He's feeling Angry.
El reverendo
El encuentro con un activista y su esposa embarazada (Amanda Seyfried) radicaliza la ideología de un pastor evangélico (Ethan Hawke), un antiguo capellán del ejército todavía marcado por la muerte de su hijo en Irak, que dirige una pequeña iglesia en el norte del estado de Nueva York.