A dark comedy that takes place in suburban America. Doug has landed his dream gig - he is about to join the Venture Scouts (a Boy-Scout-like organization) as a Troop Leader. He is taking over for his childhood mentor, Jerry, the former leader of Venture Scout Troop 544 who has been offered a plush job at the Venture Scout National Headquarters. The film takes place over the course of a day, as Jerry shows Doug the ropes before his initiation ceremony. An old, corrupt regime is leaving with a new one taking over - but not without conflict first. It is a story of power, corruption, and morality.
Banquet Manager
El día de su cumpleaños, cuando acaba de estrenar un magnífico coche, Daniel muere en el acto al chocar contra otro vehículo. Instantes después, se encuentra en La Ciudad del Juicio, rodeado de personas que también esperan la decisión de un tribunal que puede decidir enviarlos de nuevo a la Tierra para darles otra oportunidad en una nueva vida. Allí, Daniel conoce a una mujer, que se ahogó en una piscina, y se enamora perdidamente de ella.