Gianfranco Quero

Gianfranco Quero


Gianfranco Quero


Ouija Seance: The Final Game
Sarah y sus amigos deciden pasar el fin de semana en una antigua villa que Sarah misteriosamente heredó. Después de encontrar una Tabla de Ouija en el ático, Sarah y sus amigos, sin saberlo, despiertan una fuerza malvada relacionada con los secretos ocultos del lugar. Para luchar contra el horror inimaginable tendrán que enfrentar sus temores más oscuros y las peores pesadillas.
La mia generazione
Italy, early 80's. A political terrorist is being transferred northward from Sicily for a conjugal visit; during the journey, a police captain tries to make him cooperate.
Io e il re
The Invisible Wall
Giornalista Redazione
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Farewell Moscow
Don Giovanni
En la Sevilla del siglo XVII, Don Giovanni es un seductor sin escrúpulos que atrae sobre sí el odio y el deseo de venganza de poderosos enemigos, aunque él mismo no lo descubre hasta que, quizás, sea demasiado tarde. Adaptación cinematográfica de la ópera de Mozart.