This in-depth documentary examines the life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who founded the Republic of Turkey from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. One of the most fascinating personalities of his time: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - Monuments to the father of modern Turkey can be found in every city, the anniversary of his death is commemorated every year, derogatory words about him are punishable by law. Rarely has a politician changed a society so radically in such a short time as Ataturk did in Turkey, which was born out of the declining Ottoman Empire. He acted with unconditional determination when it came to catapulting a deeply backward country into modernity. His reforms still have an impact today.
Este documental, filmado en locaciones de Austria, Italia y México, retrata el lado humano y emocional del archiduque de Habsburgo en diferentes etapas de su vida, especialmente durante su estancia en México –a donde llegó para ser emperador–, la vida al lado de su esposa Carlota y su trágica muerte en 1867. Para construir el guion, se consultó a historiadores austriacos y mexicanos, y a un descendiente de los Habsburgo.