Park Hee-kwon


Dust and Ashes
Hae-su works at a factory on the outskirts of Seoul. Returning home from work, she makes a phone call that goes to voicemail; nearing her residence, another phone call comes in, but she doesn't pick up. Inside the house is her mother's body—she died from mysterious circumstances. A knock on the door goes unanswered, but when a plainclothes police officer arrives, Hae-su lets him in. An exchange of documents, uncertain glances. With Hae-su and her tempermental brother the only attendants at her mother's funeral, there are more questions than answers.
Dust and Ashes
Hae-su works at a factory on the outskirts of Seoul. Returning home from work, she makes a phone call that goes to voicemail; nearing her residence, another phone call comes in, but she doesn't pick up. Inside the house is her mother's body—she died from mysterious circumstances. A knock on the door goes unanswered, but when a plainclothes police officer arrives, Hae-su lets him in. An exchange of documents, uncertain glances. With Hae-su and her tempermental brother the only attendants at her mother's funeral, there are more questions than answers.
La peor epidemia jamás vista está arrasando Bundang, un suburbio de Seúl. Después de introducir a una serie de inmigrantes ilegales en el país, Byung-woo muere a causa de un virus desconocido. Poco después, los mismos síntomas aparecen en otros residentes de la zona. El pueblo se siente indefenso ante un virus que se transmite por el aire y en el que el número de afectados crece rápidamente, desatando el caos. Tratando de evitar la peor de las previsiones, la ciudad, en la que viven más de 19 millones de habitantes, se prepara para cerrar por completo sus fronteras por órdenes del gobierno. Mientras tanto, el especialista vírico In-hye y el rescatista Ji-goo se adentran en la ciudad para obtener una muestra de sangre del "paciente cero", una parte crucial de la investigación para tratar de fabricar una vacuna.
Manners In Battle