Ben Peace


The Witness is a Whale
Archival footage, hidden documents, and personal records reveal one of the greatest environmental crimes of the 20th century: the secret and illegal slaughter of hundreds of thousands of whales by the Soviet Union and Japan during the Cold War.
David Attenborough y el dinosaurio gigante
Sound Designer
David Attenborough narra la historia del descubrimiento y la reconstrucción en Argentina del dinosaurio conocido más grande del mundo, una nueva especie de titanosaurio. Con 37 metros de largo y un peso de 70 toneladas, ostenta ahora el récord de ser el animal más grande que ha caminado sobre la tierra.
Sound Editor
Yellowstone is a park, but it's also the deadliest volcano on Earth. Beneath it, a sleeping 'dragon' is stirring. When an earthquake opens a crack for magma to seep through, other warning signs of an eruption start popping up, but they are ignored or dismissed as 'minor'. But when they learn an eruption will happen, panic breaks out through people of the USA and the world.