Tuuli Teelahti

Tuuli Teelahti


Tuuli Teelahti studies documentary film directing and cinematography in Aalto University'sSchool of Arts Design and Architecture, at the Department of Film, Television and Scenography in Helsinki, Finland. A Life from Death is her second short documentary.


Tuuli Teelahti


Ashes to Ashes
The screen is in flames as we are inside a crematorium. No much can be seen and the director focuses on the sound recording of the conversations between the employees. There is no place for mystical experiences in their lives, to the contrary – they perform all their tasks mechanically. Cremation is a simple process which turns a human corpse into ash.
A Life from Death
In a hospice, every day is somebody's last day alive. The sheets are changed, and someone elsebrought in to die. Before the end, hands are held, and there is time for coffee. And for some of us, all this dying is just the usual everyday life.