Claire Williams
Grenfell sets out to discover why the devastating fire of 14 June 2017 happened after the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower, and who was responsible for the deaths of 72 people.
Mrs Day
Año 1970. El certamen de Miss Mundo se celebra en Londres presentado por Bob Hope, leyenda de la comedia estadounidense. En ese momento Miss Mundo es el programa de televisión más visto en el planeta, con más de 100 millones de espectadores. En pleno directo el recién creado Movimiento de Liberación de Mujeres invade el escenario e interrumpe la retransmisión afirmando que los concursos de belleza degradan a las mujeres. Así, de la noche a la mañana, el Movimiento se hace famoso... Al reanudarse el programa, la elección de la ganadora provoca un nuevo gran revuelo: no es la favorita sueca, sino Miss Grenada, la primera mujer negra en ser coronada Miss Mundo. En cuestión de horas, una audiencia global fue testigo de la expulsión del patriarcado del escenario y del nacimiento del nuevo ideal de belleza occidental.
Woman Passenger
En la vida del señor Hoppy hay dos amores. Uno son las flores de su balcón. El otro es su vecina, la señora Silver
Nursing Sister
Jean Valjean es enviado a prisión tras robar un trozo de pan con el que pretendía alimentar a sus sobrinos y a su hermana viuda. Adaptación del musical del mismo título que, a su vez, se basa en la obra de Victor Hugo "Los miserables"..
Refuge Worker
A filmmaker sets out to discover the life of Joyce Vincent, who died in her bedsit in North London in 2003. Her body wasn't discovered for three years, and newspaper reports offered few details of her life - not even a photograph.
Robyn Murdoch
Peter Mannion's speech on immigration, leaking the PM's policy, did not have the effect Tucker desired and now the PM is resigning, leaving the way clear for the Nutters and their leader Tom. Ollie has been promised a job by young Nutter Ben Swain, Tucker's assistant has encouraged Hugh's predecessor Cliff to stand as a stalking horse and Glenn is keen to keep Hugh in the frame whilst his boss is in Australia. Fortunately Tom has a dark secret which is just what Tucker is looking for but will it be enough?
The camera turns, slowly; we are near a hill, in a world where everything is absurd. The "voice actors" recite a banal script overlapping, in perfect synchrony, the actors' mouths and gestures. The setting and costumes have no relation to the scene. A voice actor recites Shakespeare instead of the script; the confusion continues when the scene ends.
Gentlewoman / Weird Sister
Anthony Sher and Harriet Walter star in a highly-acclaimed screen version of William Shakespeare's classic story of tyranny and ambition. On the stage this Royal Shakespeare Company presentation was universally lauded. Following sell-out seasons at Statford's Swan Theatre and in London, the production played Japan and in the United States, where The New York Times praised director Gregory Doran's interpretation as a "harrowing and disturbingly funny parable for the dawn of the 21st century". To make this compelling screen version, Gregory Doran worked with all of the original cast and filmed at London's Roundhouse. Brilliantly shot by director of photography Ernie Vincze, the production uses the edgy techniques of fly-on-the-wall documentaries. The effect is raw, intimate and strikingly dynamic.
Miss Piggy - Wedding Two
Charles y sus amigos, todos ellos solteros y sin compromiso, han llegado a una edad en la que casi todos sus conocidos se han casado. En una de las bodas, a la que el grupo ha sido invitado, Charles conoce a Carrie, una americana de la que se enamora a primera vista. Esa noche la pasan juntos, pero no vuelven a verse. Tendrán que esperar a la siguiente boda, en la que Carrie le presenta a su prometido.