Anastasiya Ukolova

Anastasiya Ukolova

Nacimiento : 1994-05-22, Pyatigorsk, Russia


Anastasiya Ukolova
Anastasiya Ukolova
Anastasiya Ukolova
Anastasiya Ukolova


Captain Volkonogov Escaped
Captain Fedor Volkonogov works in law enforcement. He is on the good books of the management, and his colleagues respect him. But one day, his life abruptly changes: he is declared a criminal. The Captain manages to run away before he is arrested. Suddenly he turns into an outcast, whom his former colleagues search across the whole city. At night Volkonogov is visited by a messenger from the other world, who warns him that after death he will go hell and be tormented forever. But he has an opportunity to change his fate and get to paradise if he repents, and at least one person forgives him. The Captain embarks on his way to find forgiveness. But he cannot even fathom what tests are awaiting him on this way.
Sasha, Pasha and Lesha meet at a therapy course for men traumatized by women. Yes, there are some, because in the world of strong women, many men have lost themselves. But our heroes do not want to be victims, they decide to "go on the warpath" and restore justice. One problem - they are still slobs.
Тайна амулета
An ancient mythical creature returns three young people to their childhood forms so that they can find the true path to their dreams.
Desperate for Marriage
For the journalist Lyuba, everything is going according to plan: the work of the presenter on the TV channel, the successful and wealthy fiance Robert. The plan goes to hell when Lyuba's phone goes down, and she asks to call a random passerby from the phone. It turned out to be Sergey, who also had a calm and measured life until that day. This meeting will launch a series of events that will completely change the life of Lyuba, and Sergey, and themselves.
Gromkaya svyaz
Siete amigos, reunidos en una casa de campo, comienzan un juego peculiar: los participantes deben leer en voz alta todos los mensajes que les llegan y contestar las llamadas solo a través del altavoz. Ni siquiera pueden imaginar las asombrosas revelaciones que tendrán que hacer el uno del otro.
La joven Katya se encuentra con una compañía alegre de chicos visitantes que tienen un entretenimiento específico: organizar fiestas en casas vacías de otras personas. Y Katya conoce el lugar correcto: una vieja casa de verano en la costa, cuyo propietario se fue durante mucho tiempo. La casa aislada, en la que estaba el salón espiritualista a principios del siglo pasado, a todos les parece una excelente opción. El alarmante e incluso terrible abandono de este lugar no asusta a nadie. En medio de la fiesta, aparece alguien a quien Katya nunca esperó ver: el misterioso maestro de la casa, el hombre que amaba. Un hombre en las garras de las fuerzas de otro mundo.
Seven Dinners
After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...
Seven friends, having gathered in a country house, begin to play the game in a joke - participants must read out aloud all messages that come to them, and answer calls only via speakerphone. They cannot even imagine what amazing revelations they will have to make about each other.
Una foto antes de morir
Un grupo de amigos decide pasar un fin de semana juntos en una casa de campo, pero un accidente inesperado los obliga a detenerse en una finca extraña y remota. En este lugar abandonado y misterioso, se descubre una rara cámara antigua. Lentamente, la cámara los introduce en una cadena de acontecimientos místicos y trágicos que ninguno de ellos pudo haber visto venir. Cualquiera que se tome una foto con la cámara ve una foto que revela su muerte. Muchos de ellos pierden la vida de una manera insoportable, mientras se apresuran a resolver el misterio de la cámara.