30-year-old factory worker Simon lives a solitary existence on a decrepit farm in the remote French countryside. Devoting his time to caring for his sister Estelle, who was left severely disabled when a childhood game went horribly wrong, Simon is plagued by guilt and depression. But he sees a way out, looking to otherworldly forces as a means of liberating both himself and his sister from the corporeal prisons in which they are confined.
Traductrice grecque
Cuenta las desventuras de una pareja de divorciados que se verá obligada a lidiar con su odio mutuo después de que la erupción del volcán islandés Eyjafjallojökull los obligue a desviarse juntos a Grecia para llegar a tiempo al matrimonio de su hija.
On a rainy day, in a confessional, a woman unexpectedly closes an important chapter of her life.
On a rainy day, in a confessional, a woman unexpectedly closes an important chapter of her life.
The day of her 19 years old, Erin discovers that she can travel exactly one year through time using her polaroid photos. Knowing this, she tries to warn her dead twin brother, Sam, about his looming fate...