Samir Ayadi


The Messiah
Dirigida por Roberto Rossellini. Rossellini se toma numerosas libertades con el material original, reorganizando y omitiendo eventos a voluntad, presentando todo de manera discreta y poco dramática. La película comienza en los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento, permitiendo a Rossellini presentar la historia de Jesús en su contexto histórico antiguo
Fatma 75
A pioneering film from Tunisia, Fatma 75 is the first non-fiction film by a Tunisian woman, a feminist essay film, and the first in a series of powerful films about strong female figures in the country. The film was made in the UN International Women's Year 1975, and has long been recognised as one of the most important films from North Africa, but has never officially been seen before due to censorship.