Chantelle Squires


Remembering Heaven
Author, speaker and filmmaker Sarah Hinze has compiled dozens of accounts of parents and families who have claimed to meet the souls of their sons and daughters before they were born.
Jane and Emma
Two women. One white. The other black. Society mandated they be enemies. The gospel of Jesus Christ required they be friends. On the eve of the death of Joseph Smith, his widow, Emma, is on the brink of destruction. In order to stand with her friend in her darkest hour, one woman, Jane Manning, will need to hear the voice of God once more. Can she hear His voice again? And if so, can she find the strength to abide it?
Moving McAllister
Rick Robinson, un empleado con muchas ganas de ascender en un importante bufete de abogados, decide ayudar a la hija del presidente a hacer la mudanza. Por supuesto, entre tanto ajetreo y viajecito surge la chispa del amor entre ambos .