Lee Gyu-ho


Potato Sympony
Baek-i used to be known as the best fighter in his high school along with Hyuk and Jul-byuk. They clashed constantly with ‘The Picks’, a gang led by Jin-han. They were always better than the Picks. Twenty years later, Baek-i’s crew, now nearing forty, meet for drinks. They mull over the news that Jin-han donated a scholarship to his high school, even though he had been expelled. And when Baek-i's friend Hyuk and Jul-byuk get beaten up by the members of the Picks for a trivial reason, a new situation arises. The old bachelor Baek-i falls in love with a woman named Jin which complicates relations among everyone.
El espiritu de Bruce Lee
Yasaengma Gang Leader
La historia se sitúa en 1978 en un instituto militar de Korea donde entra a estudiar Hyun-Soo como alumno de primer curso. Supera los desamores, los altercados con los estudiantes de cursos superiores y con los profesores apoyándose en la filosofía de su ídolo Bruce Lee de nunca mirar hacia atrás, y en todos sus libros. Tendrá que intentar buscar un rumbo en su vida porque parece que no sabe lo que quiere, y para ello tendrá que pasar por momentos duros.