James Starbuck


El bufón del rey
Edad Media. Aunque Hubert es el bufón del Rey Roderick I, participa en un complot para destronarlo y devolver el trono al legítimo rey. Eso no impide que se enamore de una bella doncella y protagonice toda clase de enredos.
Dearest Enemy
This live TV adaptation of the Broadway musical "Dearest Enemy" from 1925 is based on an American Revolutionary War incident in September 1776 when Mary Lindley Murray, under orders from General George Washington, detained General William Howe and his British troops by serving them cake, wine and conversation in her Kips Bay, Manhattan home long enough for some 4,000 American soldiers, fleeing their loss in the Battle of Brooklyn, to reassemble in Washington Heights and join reinforcements to make a successful counterattack.