Law Gwok-Fai


On Fire
Tung Choi Street Car God Chan Mo Nam and his best buddy Sam Bat Jai, Tung Tung all worship sex symbol Francoise Yip Fong Fa. Their biggest wish is to be able to meet her in person. In order to meet their idol, the three become temp actors, only to be degraded by her manager Bobby. The trio in anger kidnap Wa, during which they treat Wa like a Goddess, but Wa didn't resist the kidnapping. Wa reveals to Nam that all along Bobby is using a video of Wa being raped to threaten her and keep her as his money tree......
A wild young woman drives the mysterious Cheng into the kidnapping of a wealthy businessman. The passion between the two lovers escalates in tandem with the violence around them, as events take their own inexorable course.
From the Same Family
The rise and fall of a triad boss in Tsimshatsui.
Le llamaban Dragón Gordo
Cuenta la historia de Lung, un joven ignorante que vive en el campo cuidando (o aporreando) a sus cerdos. Este chico es un gran fan de Bruce Lee y solo quiere parecerse a él de la manera que sea. Un día su padre le manda a la gran ciudad para que ayude a su tío en el restaurante del que es dueño. En la gran ciudad Lung se tendrá que enfrentar contra la mafia, pues quieren que su amigo falsifique un cuadro.