Courtney McAllister


Baking All the Way
When Julia Wilson, an accomplished pastry chef from Chicago, heads to a small town bakery famous for their gingerbread to complete her Christmas cookbook curated with recipes from across the country, she finds herself at odds with Kris Thompson, the bakery's charming but private owner, who is ambivalent about sharing his secret recipe.
Christmas in Toyland
Cuando Charlie Sawyer, una analista de datos en una cadena de tiendas de juguetes, descubre que la única forma de mantener abiertas sus ubicaciones físicas es replicar lo que sea que esté haciendo la ubicación con mejor rendimiento de la empresa, la empresa la envía a conocer al gerente de la tienda, que es cordial pero obstinado. , Grant Levinson, cuyo secreto del éxito la desafiará a abrir su mente... y su corazón.
A Perfect Match
When Zoe Williams has to prove to a big investor that her company's new dating app works, she tests it on herself and soon ends up on a date with her complete opposite, Oliver Beckett, an easygoing, spontaneous artist. Huh. Not exactly Zoe's type. Even though it's clear the pair have chemistry, Zoe's worried- could something be wrong with DigiLove's algorithm? Or is it true when people say "opposites attract"?
Inn Love by Christmas
Mandy Leeds, a successful young woman living in Miami, is climbing her way up the corporate ladder in the hotel industry. Though she doesn’t get back to her small northern hometown much, this year her Gram is able to finally convince her to come home for Christmas. Mandy has another reason too – the quaint local inn is for sale, and she wants to acquire it for her company. With her eyes on the prize, Mandy travels back home but on her way there, she runs into Lucas Menzino—her high school rival—who also has his eye on the inn as well.
Learning to Love Again
After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.
Still Photographer
Cuando un líder de una pandilla de motociclistas australianos es liberado de la prisión, encuentra a su ex diputado con el fin de dar el control de su lucrativo comercio de drogas a una pandilla rival. Cuando el acuerdo se va al sur, la violencia subsiguiente amenaza con salirse de control, ya que las pandillas deben lidiar con amenazas externas y subversión dentro de sus propias filas, que culminan en un enfrentamiento mortal entre las tripulaciones fuertemente armadas en esta epopeya y lleno de acción. thriller ciclista.