Rome 2016, Alessandrino district (eastern outskirts of the capital). In a small house on the ground floor, where the noise of local traffic echoes, live Ester and her husband Richard Benson. Well-known face of the Italian show, now disgraced. "Hello everyone, I’m Richard Benson and I’m sick. I can’t afford medicine so I appeal to all my fans, because today I risk dying". These words that the artist releases on RepubblicaTV, in a short time make the rounds of the Italian media. In the message he boasts to be one of the fastest guitarists in the world, to have had collaborations with international artists of the Rock and Metal scene, and to have done over 10,000 concerts over the years. It must be because of his shock statement, or because of the battered look he would never think of such a successful past. But for those who hear about it for the first time, the question arises: "Who the hell is Richard Benson?!"
Rome 2016, Alessandrino district (eastern outskirts of the capital). In a small house on the ground floor, where the noise of local traffic echoes, live Ester and her husband Richard Benson. Well-known face of the Italian show, now disgraced. "Hello everyone, I’m Richard Benson and I’m sick. I can’t afford medicine so I appeal to all my fans, because today I risk dying". These words that the artist releases on RepubblicaTV, in a short time make the rounds of the Italian media. In the message he boasts to be one of the fastest guitarists in the world, to have had collaborations with international artists of the Rock and Metal scene, and to have done over 10,000 concerts over the years. It must be because of his shock statement, or because of the battered look he would never think of such a successful past. But for those who hear about it for the first time, the question arises: "Who the hell is Richard Benson?!"
Bernardo, un periodista romano que vive en Milán, frecuenta a un psicoanalista: su novia Adriana lo ha abandonado y vive sumido en la depresión. Al mismo tiempo, empieza a escribir una biografía de Jimi Hendrix con el propósito de averiguar la verdadera causa de su muerte. Durante las sesiones de psicoterapia conoce a Camilla, una actriz enamorada del psiquiatra, que, al igual que Bernardo, consume grandes dosis de antidepresivos y ansiolíticos. Entre ellos nace una profunda amistad que se convierte en amor cuando, después de una pelea, se encuentran por casualidad en Inglaterra, donde él busca noticias sobre Hendrix, y ella está de gira con un espectáculo.