Jacky Nercessian

Jacky Nercessian

Nacimiento : 1950-11-16, Saint-Étienne, France


Jacky Nercessian is an actor. Après des études de théologie pour devenir pasteur en Angleterre - bien qu'aucun de ses parents ne soit protestant - et un passage dans la mode à Saint-Étienne, il se retrouve par hasard à jouer l'imposteur dans Pirates sur TF1. Claude Miller le remarque et lui propose un rôle dans La petite voleuse. Il se partage alors entre cinéma et télévision et participe notamment dans les années 1990 à Tout le monde il est gentil de Jean Yanne, Double Jeu et Le Bar de la Plage de Thierry Ardisson. Dans les années 1990 il a aussi animé Le Narcisso Show, une rubrique de l'émission érotique Venus TV qui passait sur M6. À chaque émission, une fille effectuait un striptease intégral sur le plateau télé. Il présentait l’émission sous le pseudonyme de Jean-Patrick Narcisso. Il joue Apkar l'Arménien dans Mayrig d'Henri Verneuil mais aussi Mustapha, le Turc dans Le Grand Voyage d'Ismaël Ferroukhi(Lion d'or du meilleur premier film Mostra de Venise 2004). Sa rencontre avec Josiane Balasko les fait se retrouver pendant une saison sur la scène du théâtre de la Renaissance puis en tournée dans Dernier rappel. En 2009, il joue dans Tout le monde aime Juliette au Splendid écrite et mise en scène par Josiane Balasko aux côtés de Marilou Berry, David Rousseau et Lannick Gautry. Il est en 2010 sur les écrans aux côtés de Louise Bourgoin dans Les Aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec de Luc Besson, film dans lequel il interprète le personnage du professeur Espérandieu. En septembre 2012 il interprète Ernst Feder dans Les derniers jours de Stefan Zweig de Laurent Seksik mis en scène par Gérard Gélas aux côtés d'Elsa Zylberstein, Patrick Timsit et Bernadette Rollin au Théâtre Antoine.


Jacky Nercessian


The President's Wife
Father Mouret
When she arrived at the Elysée Palace, Bernadette Chirac expected to finally get the place she deserved, she who had always worked in the shadow of her husband to make him president. Put aside because she was considered too old-fashioned, Bernadette decided to take her revenge by becoming a major media figure.
Les Vengeances de Maître Poutifard
The tasty story of a retired teacher who decides to make his former students pay for years of heckling and humiliation.
Estamos hechos para entendernos
Monsieur Molina
Un profesor de historia de cincuenta años descubre que está perdiendo la audición y comienza a tener una vida de recluso debido a su discapacidad. Su encuentro con Claire, una viuda cuya hija es muda, lo ayudará a abrirse nuevamente al mundo.
Un hombre ha decidido convertir su hotel en el laboratorio de sus fantasías personales. Tras cada puerta, en la intimidad de la noche, ocurren escenas ante miradas fisgonas.
La famosa invasión de los osos en Sicilia
Salpêtre (voice)
Un invierno gélido acaba con las existencias de comida del grupo de osos que vive en las montañas de Sicilia, sembrando la hambruna en entre ellos. Desesperados, el Rey de los Osos deciden atacar el pueblo a las faldas de la montaña donde viven los humanos para escapar de la inanición. Pero el Rey Oso, Leander, tiene un motivo personal para atacar el pueblo, su hijo Tonio es secuestrado por un grupo de cazadores humanos.
Golden Youth
París, Francia, 1979. Rose, una rebelde huérfana adolescente, y Michel, un joven aspirante a pintor, disfrutan de su loco amor bajo las luces de neón del decadente club nocturno Le Palace, donde establecen una ambigua relación con Lucille y Hubert, dos burgueses bohemios que cambiarán sus vidas.
The Nansen Passport
On July 5th, 1922, Norwegian explorer, scientist and diplomat Fridtjof Nansen creates a passport with which, between 1922 and 1945, he managed to protect the fundamental human rights as citizens of the world of thousands of people, famous and anonymous, who became stateless due to the tragic events that devastated Europe in the first quarter of the 20th century.
Le rabbin
Julien Schulmann is a comedian. He has just lost his father, a Polish Jew and extermination camp survivor. Before he died, his father left a "will" in which he requested that his other son, Pierre, who hasn't been heard from for two years, spread his ashes in Poland. His father's preference comes as a rude shock for Julien, and it opens a chasm inside him, slowly bringing to light an unspeakable secret.
Adèle y el misterio de la momia
Marie-Joseph Espérandieu
En 1912, mientras la intrépida periodista Adèle Blanc-Sec viaja a Egipto para enfrentarse a un grupo de momias, París se ve acosado por un misterioso pterodáctilo de 136 millones de años de antigüedad. Basada en un personaje de cómic del dibujante Jacques Tardi.
Let's Dance
In the Bellinsky family: there is Solomon the father, 80 years old, brimming with life. He is fighting not to be buried too quickly, between tap dance lessons under the high patronage of Fred Astaire and the search for a companion... The mother, Geneviève, dreams of only one thing: quietly continuing her infantilisation, with her household help, protector and guardian angel, Mr Mootoousamy.
A bourgeois office drone whose raison d’état is the music of French rocker Johnny Hallyday awakens one day in an alternate universe where the famed musician never recorded a single song. When he’s not at the office dutifully plugging-away, Fabrice lives a deadly dull life.
Le Procès de Bobigny
In 1972 16-year-old Marie-Claire became pregnant after a rape. With help from her mother Michelle and three other women, she underwent a clandestine abortion. Under a 1920 law, the five women were arrested and charged. Supported by a procession of well-known French (eg Simone de Beauvoir), the five were released and the law was adapted.
Coup de vache
Le chauffeur de taxi
An old man bequeaths his fortune to a television host, much to the chagrin of his own family.
La Femme coquelicot
le professeur de tango
A septuagenarian widow feels revived by an old painter with whom she falls in love.
El largo viaje
Narra el viaje de un padre y su hijo desde el sur de Francia hasta La Meca. Los dos pertenecen a una cultura en la cual la comunicación entre ambos es difícil pero no imposible. El abismo entre ellos (generacional, cultural y linguístico) es más grande debido a su estatus de exiliados en Francia. A lo largo de este viaje lograrán entender qué los separa pero también que los une. (FILMAFFINITY)
La mariposa
l'autre policier
Julien es un viudo que se dedica a coleccionar mariposas. Un día va a las montañas en busca de un raro ejemplar, y lo hace en compañía de Elsa, una niña de nueve años cuya madre le presta poca atención. Elsa y Julien encontrarán a lo largo del camino respuesta a sus inquietudes.
Zone reptile
17 year old Mic feels constrained in a world which is not his own: a lower middleclass suburb of Marseilles, conformism... His being different drives him into a loneliness to which rockmusic not only brings tranquillity and comfort but flings him into the adventure of discovering himself.
The Three Kings
Le moine bouddhiste
The Three Wise Men – Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspard – are on their way to Bethlehem to pay homage to the infant Jesus when they are suddenly, an inexplicably, transported two thousand years into the future. They find themselves walking the streets of Paris, where they encounter a young woman called Macha who, they are convinced, will lead them to the newborn Messiah.
Monsieur Naphtali
Riaz Hiridjee
Monsieur Naphtali is a good-natured but somewhat feeble older man turned away from the rest home where he lives. In search of a place to stay, he finds his way to Paris, where a woman taking surveys takes pity on him and brings him home for a meal and a bed for the night. Naphtali finds himself spending the evening with the survey woman, her brother who works in publishing, his lovely but unhappy wife, an alcoholic doctor, and his wife, an ill-tempered judge. In a simple and unpretentious manner, Naphtali forces them all to open up about themselves and discuss elements of their lives that they usually prefer to avoid.
Le double de ma moitié
With the help of a hidden twin sister, a couturier tries to take revenge on his wife who cheats on him with his partner.
Vive la mariée... et la libération du Kurdistan
Kurdish expert Hiner Saleem (Shero) wrote and directed this French comedy-drama, set inside the 100,000-population Kurdish community in Paris. The original French title translates as "Long Live the Bride...and the Liberation of Kurdistan." Cheto (Georges Corraface) seeks a wife via videotapes while still seeing his French girlfriend, immigration office worker Christine (Stephanie Lagarde). Cheto places an order for a beautiful girl, but he's disappointed when her sister, country girl Mina (Marina Kobakhidze), arrives at the airport as a substitute. Family pressure forces him to marry her. Unhappy with the way she's treated by Cheto, Mina acquires some progressive notions from Leila (Schahla Aalam) and other local feminists, leading to confrontations with Cheto.
Peggio di così si muore
A la vuelta de su luna de miel, Carlo y Anna cojen otra maleta distinta a la suya por error en el aeropuerto y encuentran medio billón de liras en ella. Deciden quedarse el dinero y compran un apartamento. Sin embargo, durante la fiesta de inauguración del piso aparecen dos criminales llamados Carmine y Jack, quienes les amenazan con matarles si no les devuelven el dinero que les pertenece.
Colonel Chabert
Colonel Chabert has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne has married the Count Ferraud and is financing his rise to power using Chabert's money. Chabert hires a lawyer to help him get back his money and his honor.
Les mamies
Le prêtre
When 12 year old Alex runs away, his grandmother ask her 6 friends for help and follow the kid from Paris to Lisbon.
Mientras en Turquía se lleva a cabo el juicio contra Soghomon Tehlirian por el asesinato del ministro del interior Talaat Pacha, el barco en el que viajaba la familia Zakarian, con otros cientos de exiliados, llega a Marsella donde empezarán una nueva vida. Sus tropiezos, sus dificultades para establecerse con dignidad y los ingentes esfuerzos de Hagop Zakarian (Omar Sharif), su esposa Araxi (Claudia Cardinale) y dos comprometidas tías, para sacar adelante al pequeño Azad, es lo que se verá en esta primera parte que termina con "588 Rue Paradis".