Gilles Perru


The true story of pirates
Thanks to new excavations in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as archival and museum research in France, Spain, England and Canada, a group of international scholars paint a new portrait of the world of piracy in the Indian Ocean.
Sagrada Familia: el desafío de Gaudí
La Sagrada Familia es uno de los monumentos más visitados de España. Esta es la historia, paso a paso, de la construcción de la catedral en Barcelona y de su creador, el genial Antonio Gaudí. Desde sus inicios a finales del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad.
El Vaticano. La ciudad que quería ser eterna
Dentro de los muros de la Ciudad del Vaticano se esconde una historia de 2.000 años. El lugar albergaba un cementerio pagano, los jardines de Agripina la Vieja, el Circo de Nerón, la tumba de San Pedro, la Basílica de Constantino y un palacio papal.
Versailles Rediscovered: The Sun King's Vanished Palace
Based on the latest technological and scientific advances, this documentary explores the palace's architectural past to resurrect Louis XIV's vanished Versailles. Versailles was an ongoing building site at the time of Louis XIV and continued to be transformed by its successive occupants later on. The Versailles we know today only vaguely resembles the Versailles of the Sun King. Most of its original features and apartments no longer exist. Thanks to the digitisation of thousands of plans, a team of scientists takes us back in time to explore this forgotten past in a new way, through a large-scale reconstruction project to bring back the Versailles of Louis XIV as he designed it, according to his requirements and dreams.
Éthiopie, le mystère des mégalithes
Un samouraï au Vatican
El monte Saint-Michel: el laberinto del arcángel
A lo largo de los siglos, Mont Saint-Michel, una isla situada en el delta del río Couesnon, en Normandía, Francia, un lugar que parece flotar entre el mar y el cielo, ha sido un santuario, una abadía, una fortaleza y una prisión. Pero ¿cómo se construyó esta maravilla arquitectónica?
The Gutenberg Enigma
Un retrato del inventor de la imprenta, una figura clave en la historia de la humanidad, pero también un inventor entusiasta, un empresario audaz, un tenaz alborotador: la vida de Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1400-68).
Charcot: Secret Poles
The adventures and exploits of Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1867-1936), an intrepid scientist and explorer who laid the foundations of modern oceanography.
Chambord: The Castle, the King and the Architect
Chambord, the most impressive castle in the Loire Valley, in France, a truly Renaissance treasure, has always been an enigma to generations of historians. Why did King Francis I (1494-1547), who commissioned it, embark on this epic project in the heart of the marshlands in 1519? What significance did he want the castle to have? What role did his friend, Italian genius Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) play? Was he the architect or who was?