Wang Hung


Revenge in Hong Kong
Assistant Director
A housewife witnesses the depraved son of a wealthy businessmen killing a woman and testifies against him in court, triggering a chain of brutal revenge.
La Mantis Maldita
Assistant Art Director
Ha-chi,pupilo del maestro lang,trabaja como pescadero en el mercado del pueblo. tiene un altercado con los hombres del general,que se dedican a cobrar impuestos a los ciudadanos:y este es el comienzo de la lucha de ha-chi contra la injusticia y el abuso de poder.
Lewd Lizard
A young suitor loses his girlfriend to a wealthy businessman. At first he's angry. Then in a fit of depression, he goes to the sea shore where he finds lizards. Immediately he puts the lizards into a bag and takes them home. Then he becomes obsessed with ladies dirty underwear and he steals six or seven "tainted" ones from public restrooms and brothels. At this point the man mixes the juices from the underwear with a special "aggressive compound" and then injects the fluid into the lizards. The little reptiles (now hooked on "love juice") become soldiers in his personal battle against females. "I hate women!" he screams, holding helpless victim's legs apart allowing the little creatures to gain entrance. Lots of women die, driven mad with sexual ecstasy and pain, while the misogynist psycho howls with laughter.
Lewd Lizard
A young suitor loses his girlfriend to a wealthy businessman. At first he's angry. Then in a fit of depression, he goes to the sea shore where he finds lizards. Immediately he puts the lizards into a bag and takes them home. Then he becomes obsessed with ladies dirty underwear and he steals six or seven "tainted" ones from public restrooms and brothels. At this point the man mixes the juices from the underwear with a special "aggressive compound" and then injects the fluid into the lizards. The little reptiles (now hooked on "love juice") become soldiers in his personal battle against females. "I hate women!" he screams, holding helpless victim's legs apart allowing the little creatures to gain entrance. Lots of women die, driven mad with sexual ecstasy and pain, while the misogynist psycho howls with laughter.
El increíble maestro del kung fu
Assistant Director
Un par de hermanos consiguen derrotar al matón que aterrorizaba la ciudad. En la celebración, la gente del pueblo se pregunta cuál de los dos es el mejor en artes marciales. Convertidos en rivales, ninguno de ellos está dispuesto a admitir que el otro es su igual. Pasan los años y la rivalidad entre los dos hermanos no ha desaparecido, y cada uno se ha montado su propia escuela de kungfú. Un día, un rico señor llega al pueblo acompañado por sus dos hijos. Decidido a que sus hijos estudien kungfú, coloca un hijo en cada escuela y promete regresar en dos años para poner a prueba sus conocimientos.
Death Challenge
Assistant Director
Modern day Hong Kong is the backdrop for this action adventure about the narcotics trade. A convicted felon named Peter Chin breaks up a bloody barroom battle and saves the life of a gang member. He is rewarded with an introduction to one of the gang's lieutenants, a beautiful woman named Daisy. Together they plot to extort millions from a rival gangland chief, but their efforts are foiled by an uneasy truce between the two leaders. Knives, flying kicks, fists, guns and bombs come into play as Peter strives to keep a gangland leader from escaping with a fortune in drugs and money.