Daniel Sonnabend


Oskars Kleid
Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.
100 cosas
Los mejores amigos Toni y Paul deciden renunciar a todas sus pertenencias durante 100 días, por lo que reciben uno de sus artículos cada día. Durante este desafío, los dos se dan cuenta de que lo único que no pueden prescindir es su amistad. Una historia sobre el materialismo contemporáneo y la búsqueda de las cosas verdaderamente importantes en la vida.