Rebecca Burrell


My Baby, Psychosis and Me
An intimate documentary that reveals the frightening roller-coaster journey of two moms for whom childbirth triggers postpartum psychosis, one of the most severe forms of mental illness. It is a condition most expectant mothers and their families have never heard of, but around one in every five hundred births can lead to the sudden onset of a psychotic episode.
My Baby, Psychosis and Me
An intimate documentary that reveals the frightening roller-coaster journey of two moms for whom childbirth triggers postpartum psychosis, one of the most severe forms of mental illness. It is a condition most expectant mothers and their families have never heard of, but around one in every five hundred births can lead to the sudden onset of a psychotic episode.
The Not So Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On
Development Producer
Ten years ago, in an award-winning series, Stephen Fry first spoke about living with manic depression and began a national conversation about mental health. A decade later, we return to the subject to understand where he and thousands of others diagnosed with bipolar (as it is now called) are now.
JFK: siete días que forjaron a un presidente
Este largometraje documental cuenta la historia de los siete momentos críticos que dieron forma al hombre que se convirtió en un icono del siglo XX. El presidente moderno más popular de Estados Unidos fue un visionario incluso viéndolo desde nuestros días. Pero detrás de la convicción y el carisma, JFK fue un hombre de contradicciones. Un líder sabio y prudente, que vivió su vida personal al límite. Hay los siete días claves que cambiarán nuestra formade verlo, momentos de crisis, en los que tuvo que enfrentarse y decidir su propio futuro y el de la nación.